Page 71 of Until We Weren't
Destiny laughed. “I should hope so since I was finishing up mowing at an apartment complex yesterday before I came over here.”
Faith laughed. “I wasn’t sure you still did that since you’re the boss and all.”
“Oh,” Destiny said with a twinkle in her eye. “I know you still mow and trim. There’s no way you’d let someone else do it all the time.”
“I help where I’m needed,” Faith said. “It is my company.”
Destiny chuckled. “Okay then. Does this mean I’m on the mower and you’ll do the trimming? You know how I hate to trim and you’re so much better at it.”
“Nice try,” Faith said. “Nope, we’ll be taking turns.”
Destiny laughed. “Okay, it sounds like we have a plan. Now, for the presentation.”
“I’m sure you have ideas,” Faith said, leaning back in her chair. “Let’s hear it.”
“You’ll stand on one side of the screen and I’ll stand on the other,” Destiny began. “We introduce ourselves and I’ll give them an overview of the project and the vibe we’re creating.”
“Then you take over at the front of the main building.”
Faith nodded. “We walk them around to the right side where the smaller building with the fountain is located. I give them all the advantages of the soothing water vibes then walk them around the back of the main building.”
“I’ll take it from there?—”
“Be sure and point out the little shack,” Faith said with a sly look. “Don’t be afraid to use it as leverage since we were trapped there.”
Destiny chuckled. “Let’s hope we don’t have to. Anyway, I’ll bring them around to the other smaller building with the rock cairns highlighting their benefits then back to the front.”
“We should give them our ideas of how the landscape can change with the seasons,” Faith said.
“Then we can take questions. Did I leave anything out?”
“We should probably give them a timeline,” Faith said. “Contractors are always late and we don’t want them to think they’ll have to wait on us.”
“Oh,” Destiny said. “Good point.”
Faith watched as Destiny added several notes in her notebook. She had missed times like these. They seemed to always be on the same page when it came to creating beautiful landscapes. Their ideas were different, but they found a way to incorporate them and make the final project even better.
Destiny looked up at her and grinned. “Do you know what you’re going to wear to the presentation yet?”
Faith gave her a sexy smile. “Maybe I’ll surprise you.”
Destiny leaned back in her chair and raised her brows.
Faith watched Destiny’s eyes roam up and down her body. That same flash of desire from this morning shot through her. Faith raised her brows in response, challenging Destiny to do more than just look.
Destiny released an audible sigh and shook her head. “If I mess up this presentation it’ll be your fault.”
Faith chuckled. “You won’t mess it up and neither will I.”
“Okay, Ms. Confidence,” Destiny said. “Let’s practice.”
They spent the next hour working on what they wanted to say to the contractor and the group who would be deciding what company won the bid.
“That was the best yet,” Faith said after their most recent run-through. “Let’s not be tentative when we talk about the costs. This transformation will be worth every penny and we have to make them believe it. Do you want to go through it again?”
“You know,” Destiny said, looking over at Faith. “We could practice on my parents.” She raised her eyebrows with a hopeful look. “That is, if you'd like to go with me for Sunday lunch tomorrow?”