Page 73 of Until We Weren't
Destiny smiled as she waited for the light to turn green. The kiss she and Faith shared when she left her place last night played over in her head for the thousandth time. Okay, maybe a thousand was a little high, but it had to be close.
It felt easy and almost instinctive for Destiny to lean in and press her lips to Faith’s before she got in her truck. What felt unnatural and made her a bit unsteady was leaving Faith at all.
They had spent a lot of time together since they’d raced into that steamy shack days ago. It was funny that Destiny felt closer to Faith now than she ever had. But in the days that followed, Destiny and Faith had talked about the things they were afraid of or uneasy about sharing with each other.
What surprised Destiny the most was how calm and carefree Faith had become. After Faith explained to her that she was letting her family go, it was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She smiled at Destiny every time their eyes met. It might be with amusement or happiness or lately with lust—yeah, it was definitely lust—but also with love.
Faith always had a smile for Destiny. She could see the love in Faith’s eyes. It wasn’t forlorn or arduous love like whenever they’d run into each other after Faith had left. This was joyous love in Faith’s eyes.
Destiny smiled, closed her eyes for a moment, and once again felt Faith’s lips against hers. She wanted to stay with Faith last night, but she knew they wouldn’t simply be sleeping in the same bed again. The pull to take Faith in her arms and declare her love for all time was greater than it had ever been.
When that happened it would change their lives once again and Destiny wanted to be ready this time. She had already come up with a few ways to make Faith’s birthday party special on Saturday night, but it was afterwards, when it was just them, that had Destiny’s heart beating double-time.
This project may have been the event that brought them back together, but their future wasn’t dependent on a bid. It would be wonderful to create this vision that so far was just computer generated, yet it didn’t matter if they lost. They had won the biggest prize of all. A chance to love each other again. This time openly with all the pieces bared and visible so they could support each other.
“Yeah,” Destiny said quietly. “Doubts will come and go, but we’ll be together to overcome them. I have Faith and I’m your Destiny.”
It sounded like sappy humor, but it wasn’t a joke. She believed in her heart that she was Faith’s destiny. And with Faith in Destiny’s heart they’d travel this path together.
“My God, Destiny,” she muttered. “Could you be any more syrupy and sentimental?”
She laughed out loud as she pulled around the building to the tiny house where she found Faith standing in the porch area.
“Hey,” Faith said as Destiny got out of the truck. “What’s so funny?”
“Huh?” Destiny replied.
“You were laughing when you pulled up.”
“Oh,” Destiny said, her eyes widening. Faith could always read her like a book. “I was just thinking about…”
Faith raised her brows. “Us?”
Destiny grinned. “Maybe.”
Faith nodded. “I’ve been thinking about us, too.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Faith said. “We’ve both kind of done a one-eighty compared to the way it was before, but I think it suits us.”
“How so?” Destiny wasn’t expecting anything serious today. She’d planned a little adventure after lunch that was sure to make them both lighthearted and happy.
“I’ve never felt so calm and composed,” Faith said. “There has always been some kind of push and pull going on inside me, but it’s no longer there.”
“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Destiny asked.
“That’s a better than good thing,” Faith said with a smile.
Destiny studied Faith for a moment and smiled. “It looks very good on you.”
“Thanks,” Faith said. “It feels even better.”
“And then there’s me,” Destiny said. “I was once a confident woman and now I’m wondering if I ever knew anything at all.”
“Not true, Des.” Faith reached for her hand. “You’ve become more insightful. I’m not afraid to tell you anything. I know you’ll listen and not judge me.”