Page 78 of Until We Weren't
“Can this be our reward for all the hard work we’ve been doing?” Destiny offered. “Yes, we do need to talk, but right now, today, it’s been so nice. Simply being together with my folks and then with Mrs. Baker, it was so laid-back. It felt like all our cares and concerns could wait, for just a little while.”
“I’d say we’re getting to know one another again, but I do know you, Des,” Faith said. She gently cupped the side of Destiny’s face. Faith smiled when Destiny leaned into her hand. “I’m finding out that you’re the woman I thought you were all along, but you kept parts of yourself hidden.”
Destiny furrowed her brow. “Like what?”
“Like how quickly you wanted to exact revenge for what Gloria did to us.”
“I don’t want to talk about her today,” Destiny said.
“Okay.” Faith nodded. “I’m finding out that if I’m more assertive than you expect…”
Destiny raised her brows. “Yeah?”
“Then you’ll let me take over.”
“You haven’t realized you’re the one who has been in charge the entire time,” Destiny said.
“I don’t want that for either of us,” Faith said. “We’re in this together.”
“Of course we are, but I thought you were talking about something else.” Destiny once again raised her eyebrows and pulled Faith on top of her as she slid down the couch.
“Oh, how I want to.” Faith’s body was pressed against Destiny’s. They were both wearing shorts and feeling their skin touch was almost too much for Faith’s resolve.
“We’ll talk after your birthday party,” Destiny said. “But right now, I want more kisses.”
Faith raised her brows. “You know where our kisses often take us.”
Destiny smiled. “It’s okay. Don’t you remember, I could kiss you all day.”
Faith smiled and brushed a strand of Destiny’s hair behind her ear then kissed her with the love that was growing in her heart. They stayed like this for a while, lounging in the luxury of their kisses.
“This has been such a good day,” Destiny said.
“It has,” Faith replied, holding Destiny’s hand as they walked to her truck.
Faith opened the door, but swung Destiny into her arms. She held her close and gazed into her eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to my birthday as much as I am this one.”
Destiny smiled, but then her eyes widened. “Oh no, the pressure.”
Faith chuckled. “The party will be fun. How can it not be with a bunch of our friends and co-workers singing karaoke? I’m looking forward to you and me, right here, just us.”
Destiny nodded. “Me, too,” she whispered.
Faith leaned up and gently kissed Destiny’s lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Count on it.”
Faith stepped back and watched Destiny get in her truck and drive away.
“We’re in this together,” she said softly with a smile.
The next morning Faith went over the schedule with her teams and sent them out to their respective jobs. She was reading her emails when she looked up and saw Destiny walk in with a box.
“Good morning,” Destiny said with a smile.
“Hey.” Faith grinned and got up from her computer.
“Amy, I hope you like donuts,” Destiny said, stopping at Amy’s desk and opening the box as she winked at Faith.