Page 82 of Until We Weren't
After he’d walked away Destiny felt Faith squeeze her hand. “That’s a good sign.”
Destiny smiled at her. “Hey, I want you to know, no matter what happens in there, I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.”
Faith smiled and tilted her head. “Destiny Green,” she said softly. “I love you. If they can’t see that we’re the best people to make their building extraordinary then that’s on them. We know who we are.”
Destiny nodded. She could feel the love in her heart reaching out and wrapping around Faith. Who cared about the bid and the project? She knew who Faith was. She’s the woman Destiny wanted to spend her life with. “I love you, too, Faith.”
Faith leaned in and whispered, “We’ve already won, but let’s go win this bid, too.”
Destiny chuckled. “Yeah, we have.” It might seem like a strange moment for I love yous, but it felt like the perfect time. Planning this project had not only brought them together but forced them to take a look at themselves. Here they were, all dressed up, still in love, so why not now.
They turned and walked into the meeting room together. Inside, there was a large screen at the front of the room where they could project their videos, pictures, and information so the committee could see their vision.
Destiny and Faith pulled a small table over to use for their rock demonstration towards the end of the presentation. They stood on either side of the screen while the project manager introduced each member of the committee before turning the meeting over to them.
“I’m Destiny Green,” she said with a smile.
“I’m Faith Fields, and we’re Fields of Green,” Faith said.
Destiny started the presentation by outlining their approach to the site as a whole then went into how they planned to make each building unique.
They took them on a tour of the main building highlighting their ideas with views of the property from a distance and then walking them around the building much like an employee.
Faith took over and led them to the smaller building on the south side of the property. When the triangular garden came into view with the fountain, several pleased sounds echoed around the room.
Destiny glanced at Faith and smiled. This was the reaction they were hoping to hear.
Faith went on to explain the benefits of an outdoor space that employees could use on a daily basis that wouldn’t detract from their work, but enhance it.
Destiny watched the committee members as Faith held their attention. There were two members who were in the human resources department and they nodded as Faith explained the benefits. From the looks on the committee members' faces they were interested in what Faith was saying. Destiny felt her heart swell with pride as Faith continued her part of the presentation. She was believable and her passion was apparent as she spoke.
As they made their way over to the other smaller building to the north of the main structure, Destiny continued the presentation. There were several murmurs and comments as the garden with the rock formation filled the screen.
Destiny gave a little history on why she chose this particular feature for the garden as Faith began to set the rocks out on the table. As Destiny continued with the benefits of the garden much like Faith had outlined earlier she saw the committee members nod.
Faith began to stack several rocks and smiled at the committee. Destiny joined her and together they made a small formation in the shape of an arch. They had to hold the rocks just so and slip the last rock into place to make it stand and not collapse.
Several members clapped and Destiny could see they were all interested. She had their attention.
“Now it’s your turn,” Destiny said. She invited them up to stack a few rocks and give it a try.
After several moments she put different rock formations on the screen that the employees could try during breaks in their day.
While the members were experimenting with the rocks, Faith explained the idea of changing the plants with the seasons. Destiny heard one of the members tell another that no one had mentioned that. They liked the idea.
Finally, Destiny put the all-important cost analysis up on the screen. She explained the project could be done in phases and it was entirely customizable.
Destiny looked over at Faith and raised her brows to see if she’d left anything out. Faith nodded and grinned.
This gave Destiny such a feeling of accomplishment. They had set out to do this together and make it remarkable. Even though they hadn’t planted one single shrub or flower yet, they had done this together and it was amazing.
The committee members asked several questions and David spoke up on how well this plan would fit into the city’s vision as a whole.
The woman in charge of the schedule knocked on the door indicating it was time for the next presentation. The project manager asked for a little more time as the committee finished with their questions while still stacking rocks.
As Destiny and Faith left the room, David walked out with them.
“That was amazing,” he said. “What creativity!”