Page 89 of Until We Weren't
“I like being your girl,” Destiny murmured, bringing her lips to Faith’s for a sweet kiss.
“I’ll take you back to your apartment to get ready for work, but I don’t want to be without you ever again.”
“You won’t,” Destiny said. “We’ll figure it out.”
Faith sighed. “Yes we will. What do you have planned for today?”
“Well,” Destiny said, drawing the word out. “I’m going to sit on a mower since I was accused of being more of a CEO type than a hands-on boss.”
“I did not accuse you,” Faith said, her eyes widening. “I simply asked a question.”
Destiny chuckled. “What about you?”
“I may be a hands-on boss, but it’s because I expect good work,” Faith explained. “However, I compensate my workers fairly. It’s Friday and I try to plan things so they get finished early and can enjoy their weekends.”
“Imagine that,” Destiny said. “I try to do the same thing.”
Faith chuckled. “We talked about how we’d run things enough times that I’m sure our companies are very similar.”
Destiny nodded. “Maybe we should talk about our companies.”
Faith raised her brows. “We don’t have to do that right now. How about I show you the benefits of a tiny shower?”
Destiny smirked. “Babe,” she said. “I don’t have any other clothes to put on.”
Faith smiled. “You can wear something of mine. I’m just taking you home.”
Destiny smiled. Hearing Faith call the apartment her home didn’t feel quite right to Destiny. When Faith left, the apartment no longer felt like a home. There was an emptiness yet Destiny couldn’t bring herself to leave. This tiny house had felt much more like home lately and Destiny was pretty sure why. Faith was here.
“What’s that look?” Faith asked. “You know, you could put that skirt back on.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“Just so you can take it off of me again?” Destiny asked with a grin.
“What a great idea.”
Destiny leaned down then stopped. “Why did you want to know what I was doing today?”
“I hoped we could have lunch.”
“That would be nice,” Destiny said. “Where are you working?”
“We are finishing up another house that was sold in the Hutto subdivision,” Faith said.
“Oh, that’s where you were coming from that day you had a flat on your trailer,” Destiny said.
“Yep,” Faith replied. “Don’t you have something in that area?”
Destiny nodded. “We mow and do maintenance at a couple of apartment complexes on the Round Rock Hutto boundary line.”
“Maybe you could try that mower out over there today?” Faith asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Maybe,” Destiny said. “But right now, I’d rather try out your shower.”
The sweetest smile grew on Faith’s face. Destiny thought her heart was going to melt in her chest. “I love you so much,” she said and pressed her lips to Faith’s.
The kiss may have started softly, but it quickly became a scorching flame as they held each other tightly. Faith pushed up from under Destiny and smiled. “I love you, too.”
Destiny watched Faith scoot to the end of the bed, stand up, and offer her hand. She smiled and took it. “I won’t let anything come between us again, but it takes both of us.”