Page 95 of Until We Weren't
She slowly pulled away and smiled. “I can’t wait to get you home.”
“Mmm,” Faith murmured, raising one eyebrow. “We’re getting lucky tonight.”
Destiny laughed and buckled her seatbelt. “We already are.”
They stopped by the store and bought beer, two bottles of champagne, and a few snacks for their impromptu celebration.
“Wow,” Faith said, when her shop came into view. “My parking lot is almost full.”
Destiny looked over at Faith and grinned. “Those are my three trucks and Monica’s car.”
“I love it,” Faith said.
“Fields of Green,” Destiny said softly. “Is this a dream coming true?”
“Oh, babe.” Faith reached for her hand. “We have a lot of dreams that are going to come true.”
Destiny didn’t know her heart could feel this full. Tears stung her eyes once again.
Faith glanced over at her and stopped the truck before she pulled around to the back of the building. “It’s okay, baby. I feel it, too.”
Destiny unbuckled her seat belt, leaned over, and embraced Faith. “I love you,” she said, pulling back and kissing Faith softly.
“I love you.”
Destiny nodded and sat back in her seat as Faith put the truck in gear and pulled around to the back of the building. She backed the truck into the shop where several people were standing around talking.
Faith lowered the tailgate and set the beer down while Destiny brought the champagne and cups with her.
“Let me help,” Monica said, walking up from the office.
Once everything was laid out on the tailgate, Destiny gazed around the shop. “Is everyone here?”
“I think so,” Amy said. “I locked the front door. Give us the news.”
Destiny glanced at Faith and nodded.
“Has everyone introduced themselves?” Faith asked. “I know I haven’t met all of Destiny’s workers, but I will.”
“Monica and I introduced everyone,” Mark said.
“Great.” Faith looked over at Destiny and smiled. “You are all aware that Destiny and I joined forces and bid on a big project.” She paused. “Yeah, well…” she hesitated.
“We won!” Destiny yelled, popping the cork on one of the bottles of champagne.
The crowd cheered as Faith opened the other bottle. Cups were passed around and Destiny and Faith made their way around the space until everyone had a glass.
“You go first,” Faith said.
Destiny raised her glass. “We have a new company name for this project. Here’s to Fields of Green.”
Their co-workers cheered and everyone sipped.
Faith raised her glass. “To dreams coming true.” Destiny clinked her glass to Faith’s and they both drank.
“Let’s celebrate!” Mark said, opening the cases of beer.
“Congrats,” Amy said, walking over to where Destiny and Faith stood away from the crowd.