Page 55 of Petals and Fangs
“I don't get it.”
“Neither do I.”
“This is weird. Who is he exactly? Someone from your circle?”
“He is one of our newest buyers. He has been buying a massive number of products.”
I stare at the screen for the longest time. There is something about his eyes. It gives me chills. He looks like a criminal. I look back at Ethan, who is watching me intently, analyzing my facial expressions.
“Pertinent thoughts you got going there. I can feel it from the look in your eyes,” Ethan chuckles.
“He looks dangerous, like someone you wouldn't want to cross paths with. Those eyes, and that lightning scar on his neck.”
“I am saying the same things.”
“Is he a trustworthy client? I mean, he looks like he could be just a scammer.”
“A scammer would not spend so much money on our exclusive products if he doesn't need them, Lily.”
“Exclusive? What do you mean by that?”
“We've been developing products that push the boundaries of conventional medicine. Some are not exactly legal, but they offer incredible benefits. I can see that Demetrius demanded the best, and he is willing to pay a premium for it.”
“Are those products the reason the FDA is after you?”
“You get it now, Lily Snow,” he says, smiling slightly as he stares at me.
“I just hope this doesn't bring more trouble than it's worth.”
“Hopefully,” he clears his throat.
“God, those eyes. They give me chills.”
“Don't stare for too long then,” he says, and slams the laptop shut.
His face is hard to read. It is like he is hiding something. It is like he is worried that I might dig too deep into this. But why would he be worried about something like that? Is there a secret hidden beneath the surface? I can feel the tension, but I try to hide it.
“Ethan, I can't help but notice the tension on your face right now.”
“Well, aren't you an observant little one?” he grins.
“I am just saying.”
“There is no tension. Just concern, Lily. And I guess I just needed an honest opinion concerning what I just showed you.”
“You are the expert. You should know what you are doing.”
“Sometimes it's hard to think clearly, especially when I'm around you,” he says.
“Ethan, I-”
He cuts me off, moving closer and putting his hand on my waist.
“You make me lose my train of thought.”
“It is best if I get to the office. I have lots-”
“Lots of planning to do, yes, I am aware of that,” he interrupts me again.