Page 59 of Petals and Fangs
“Nick, I love you, but can you shut up? It's not about that, not about Lily, and not about me and her. Well, maybe about her but I-”
“I can't find any more blood bags,” I nervously sigh. My head feels like it is going to explode.
“Speaking of blood bags, you should have those. Your face is looking pale,” Nick says.
“Yes, Nick, thank you, but I can't find any," I sigh again, and slam the fridge door shut.
“Why are you tense, Ethan?”
“I am quite sure I left enough blood bags here. More than enough to last me for at least a week.”
“I am sure you have just forgotten that you had them all.”
“Nick, I don't have time for your games. You know damn well that I can't forget anything.”
“Maybe they were stolen.”
“That's a possibility,” I say, running my fingers through my hair.
“Or maybe, it's something else.”
“What do you mean?”
“I am not sure. What I am sure of is that you are just getting weaker and weaker. I can tell. I have blood packs in my office, Ethan, we can just-”
“I know, but no. Someone’s been here, and I need to deal with this,” I cut him off, trying not to sound worried.
“Any plans for tonight? El Diablo is open tonight. I am going with a group of people, and I want you to join us.”
“No, thanks. Not interested.”
“Ethan, you haven't gone out in ages. It is your nightclub. Come with me, have a drink, and meet some new people.”
“Good talk, Nick. Really good talk, but I need some air,” I grab my car keys and leave.
Lily haunts my mind. I am too stressed to think of anything else. She has not contacted me back. No calls, no messages, no emails.
Too much has happened today, and I am beginning to fail to concentrate. But my mind, body, and soul are yearning for her.
It is raining heavily and being in my car is not helping. It has been raining for hours. The roads are wet, the sky is dark, and there are puddles everywhere. I stop the car, roll down the windows, and take a deep breath.
“Could it be? Could it be that Lily knows more about me than she should?” I whisper to myself.
I grab my phone and decide to message the blog again. I don’t care if it is her behind it or not. What I care about is that I need a way to talk to someone. I am looking for answers, and I don’t know what kind of answers, but I am dying to find something.
“I can't stop thinking of her. She is everything I think about, and I can't seem to get rid of the thought of her out of my head. I am sure she must be feeling the same way.”
As I sigh and place my phone on the dashboard, I hear a loud notification sound, but it is not from my phone.
“You've got to be kidding me.”
Chapter 13
Can it be? Can it be that Ethan is a freak? Why would someone have blood bags in their fridge? Is that the reason he yelled at me on my very first day because I almost opened his fridge? Is he hiding something? I am not sure, but I feel like he is.