Page 52 of Corrupted Tyrant
“I have a feeling it will take more than that to ruin your reputation, you big, bad wolven.”
Bold and Jasmine greet me, their faces alight with welcome and affection. I’ve grown close to Jazz over the past few weeks, bonding over our shared human-in-a-wolven-world experiences. She’s shown me some of the ropes and made me feel at ease here.
We’ve bought one of those bright red popcorn machines, installed it in the corner of the first-floor den, and are going to institute Friday night movies. Everyone’s on board, but we’ve been warned to never put any wolfman movies on the screen—it’s strictly verboten.
Stealth, Fang, Lash, and others say hello, their boisterous laughter and good-natured ribbing filling the air as they trade insults on the worn, comfortable couches. Blaze and Dare are engaged in an intense game of dice in a corner, but give us a welcoming wave before they return to their game.
As I watch the males, the easy way they move and interact, the unshakable bond that ties them together, I feel a swell of emotion, of gratitude and love, and a soul-deep sense of acceptance.
This is my tribe, my chosen family. And I’ve never felt more at home.
The afternoon passes in a blur of laughter and stories, of shared food and easy silences. I marvel at the way Courage fits into this dynamic, the way his presence seems to light up every room, every interaction.
He’s in his element here, surrounded by his brothers, his packmates. And seeing him like this, so open and unburdened, makes my heart feel like it might burst with adoration.
During a lull in the action, Blaze jumps onto a couch and, like a giant toddler, yells, “It’s time!”
Everyone stops what they’re doing to look at Courage. Clearly, they’ve been planning something and I’ve been left out of the secret.
Courage jumps on a battered wooden chair and exclaims, “Giving my mate a pack name is long overdue.”
Pack name?
“We all traded our wolven names for human words that describe us in some way. But Bold set the precedent that human mates should receive pack names in the old way, from An’Wa. How would you feel about A’Donna? It means steel.”
The word is so perfect; it makes me feel so seen, so loved, that it brings tears to my eyes. When Courage met me, I was a limp noodle of a mess. Not only had pictures of my privates been splattered all over the front page, but I was drifting… and not in a good direction.
But over the last few months, with Courage by my side, I found my backbone and yes, I reinforced it with steel.
“A’Donna? I freaking love it.”
Courage jumps off the chair, strides to me, then twirls me and places me on the chair he just vacated. Fury hands him something emerald, and Courage presents it to me.
“Welcome to the pack.”
He hands me a green polo, embroidered with the pack’s WW logo and my new pack name. It’s so meaningful that my hands are shaking. I pull it on over my blouse, taking far too long because I’m hiding, trying to control my tears. When my head pops out of the fabric, I manage to be all smiles as the pack chuffs and yips their welcome.
“Thank you. I’m so happy to be here.” It’s all I can manage, for fear of choking up again, but of all the fancy places I’ve lived, nothing has felt as much like home as this ratty den and our tiny apartment upstairs.
As the sun touches the horizon, we say our goodnights and make our way up three flights to our apartment. It’s simple but cozy, filled with touches of both of us, of the life we’re building together.
Courage pulls me into his arms, his nose nuzzling my hair. “Are you happy, my love?” His voice is soft, threaded with a hint of uncertainty.
I grip his shoulders, my fingers carding through his lush shoulder pelt. “Deliriously,” I whisper, my smile brighter than the setting sun. “I’ve never been happier, Courage. This, here with you, with our family… I didn’t know how to get here, but it’s the feeling I’ve always craved.”
His answering smile is blinding—all four fangs flashing. Then they’re covered by his plush lips as his mouth descends, a breath-stealing affirmation of the love, the joy, the sheer rightness that flows between us.
As we tumble into bed, our bodies and souls twining together in a dance that feels like coming home, I’m struck by a profound sense of peace, of wholeness.
This is where I belong. Not in the glare of the spotlight, not in the gilded cage of fame and fortune. But here, in the warmth and acceptance of the Integration Zone, in the unwavering love and support of my wolven warrior and the pack that has claimed me as their own.
It’s a love story, an adventure, a journey of healing and self-discovery that I never could have imagined. And as I drift off to sleep, safe and cherished in Courage’s arms, I know this is just the beginning.
The beginning of a life filled with laughter and love, with trials and triumphs, with the unshakable knowledge that I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
And I can’t wait to see where this wild, wonderful, pack-filled ride takes us next.
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Epilogue