Page 122 of Dark Awakening
Then, my exhilaration shatters my delicate focus, and just like that, the portal evaporates as if it never existed at all. But it's enough. I've proven to myself that this incredible power lies within my grasp. "I can’t believe it worked!" I let out a joyous laugh and jumped for joy, feeling like a kid who just unlocked a magical secret.
Adrian laughs, pleased with my enthusiasm. “Nicely done, Dani! I had faith in you.” He beams at me.
I am brimming with joy as I give him a big hug. “Thank you, Adrian! But seriously, dial back the aggression? Opening portals isn’t part of my job description as a geneticist,” I jest.
He chuckles again, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “My apologies. It's not every day this sort of thing presents itself in my line of work,” he replies.
I raise an eyebrow, curious. “So why are you telling me now?” I ask jokingly.
Adrian’s grin widened. “Let’s just say that my line of work has exposed me to the secrets of the universe, not so much experiencing them,” he declares. I'm thankful for his friendship and support.
Rhyland approaches me, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a passionate kiss on my lips.
He releases me, looking into my eyes with admiration. “I knew you could do it,” he whispers.
I beam up at him as Erik emerges from the spare bedroom. “You did it?” he marvels.
I nod in reply, elated. “That’s fantastic,” he praises.
“We really should get going soon,” Rhyland suggests
I nod eagerly as the night has quickly descended upon Seattle, and we all decide to depart the following day.
We spent all day gathering gear and vital provisions. I watch with bated breath as Rhyland meticulously packs our meager possessions into two worn rucksacks, ensuring each is properly stocked for the arduous journey ahead. Erik and Adrian had ventured out earlier to gather their own necessary supplies, assuring us they'd return this evening, which is when we planned to set out.
A palpable current of anticipation hangs tangibly in the air, an electric charge born of excitement and unease over the great unknown looming before us. My thoughts churn endlessly, struggling to process all that has transpired in such a short time and all that has yet to come that could irrevocably shape my life. An ominous feeling slowly creeps over me—a suspicion that our brief pocket of borrowed peace is on the verge of shattering violently. I can tell by the furrow of Rhyland's brow that he also senses the mounting danger.
A thunderous crash suddenly splits the heavy silence hanging over the room. The main door unexpectedly explodes inward off its hinges to land in a splintered wreckage across the entryway threshold.
Before we can react, hulking figures cloaked in shadow pour through the breach, swarming into the suite like a rolling storm front. With each measured step, they take hold like dread balloons within my chest until I feel completely paralyzed in their menacing presence.
The sinister energy seems to crush down when I futilely attempt to retreat deeper into the plush couch cushions. Through the dim lighting, I barely make out flashes of pale skin and glinting blood-shot eyes surveying their prey—us.
My heart slams violently against my ribs, each thunderous beat sending fresh spikes of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Eyes wide, I lock panicked gazes with Rhyland across the tense room, reading my own dread mirrored back at me in his carefully controlled features. In eerie unison, the figures flow closer, their movements predatory and languid, savoring the moment.
The apparent leader prowls closer, his muscular frame coiled like a viper preparing to strike. He twists his thin lips into a sadistic sneer, baring rows of jagged fangs that glint under the muted lights. I brace myself. Muscles wound tight as he invades my space, the mingled stench of blood and death clinging to him like a shroud.
"You managed to slither away…," he hisses, red eyes alight with twisted glee. "But you won't escape us again."
Before I can respond, Rhyland places himself as a solid wall of muscle and rage between me and those who mean us harm. I quickly scramble upright to stand protected in his imposing shadow.
Rhyland's lip curls back from his extended canines as a vicious snarl rips from his throat. "You'd better back the fuck off right now, Cade, before I rip your goddamn head off with my bare hands." His voice resonates with unrestrained violence, barely kept in check.
The pale figure—Cade—chuckles with dark amusement, clearly not intimidated by Rhyland's threats. He pointedly drags his lurid gaze down my body, lust and hunger twisting his angular features.
"Ah, Danica, I've looked forward to finally meeting you," he purrs, each syllable dripping with a thinly veiled threat. "Once I dispose of this worthless meat shield, you and I will take a long...journey together." He deliberately drags his tongue across cracked lips, eyes burning crimson.
Revulsion washes through me. I shrink further behind Rhyland's protective frame. Sensing my distress, he tightens his crushing grip on my hand enough to grind bone. "You won't lay a fucking finger on her," he vows, icy calm lacing each syllable now.
Desperate for answers about this new threat, I quickly reach out to Rhyland through our mental connection, holding my breath until his grim response comes.
"The Shadow Brotherhood. The same twisted bastards who confined me and the reason I was kept from you." His mental voice seethes with outrage and bitterness at the memories.
My stomach drops, my heart in my throat as the other five figures spread out, slowly encircling us with a clear, hostile intent. Their faces remain obscured by hooded cowls, but I can feel the violent anticipation coming off them in waves, like ravenous wolves closing in for the kill.