Page 127 of Dark Awakening
But then the joyful images flow faster, colors blending and morphing as peaceful scenes twist into vivid nightmares. Light is swallowed wholly by writhing shadows, the abyss left in their wake stark and hollow. Even the once-radiant celestials now warp into twisted parodies of themselves, swept up into the gathering chaos until the message is clear—the balance has been utterly disrupted here.
My heart sinks heavily as the destruction unfolds. Bright celestial warriors continue battling the cloying darkness but cannot stem the tide. Where harmony once reigned now screams a discordant cacophony of suffering, with entire civilizations plunged into the maelstrom. In these grim holograms, I glimpse the traumatic shattering of a world.
"This corrupting darkness tore the realms apart," I whisper, voice leaden with sorrow. "It drove the celestials into exile and destroyed the unity holding creation together."
A heavy silence settles over us. Rhyland's stony gaze remains fixed upon the spot where the beautiful visions once danced, his mind clearly churning. "Moretemis," he states grimly after an endless moment. "His poison corrupted them absolutely, turning fellowship into chaos."
Adrian nods, eyes dark with solemn understanding. "This was no mere physical battle. It was a war of ideals that consumed all in its path." His words resonate with ominous truth.
The air is still and heavy as we survey the ruins, remnants of a once grand civilization destroyed by the same violence we seek to end.
A great sorrow creeps into my heart, and I vow not to let their suffering be in vain.
We slowly turn away from the ominous scenes etched into the ancient stone walls, each of us heavy with a somber sense of dread and awe in the lingering aftermath. The disturbing hieroglyphic visions make it starkly clear. These ruins are all that remain of a once-great civilization utterly destroyed by the same primordial darkness now threatening to eclipse our realm again.
Together, we pick our way among the crumbling remnants of this once-great society, attempting to piece together fragments of their forgotten history. The architecture and layout suggest an incredibly advanced culture, adept in engineering and mystical sciences. Their knowledge allowed them to arrange the settlement in elegant harmony with the surrounding pristine rainforest, creating a numinous place in tune with the elements and energies flowing through all living things.
But as we cautiously progress deeper into the ruins, unnatural darkness seems to encroach slowly, hanging heavier in my lungs with each step. Cold sweat slides down my skin while crawling unease raises the fine hairs at my nape. Centering my focus, I summon a radiant orb of pure light into my upturned palms and propel it toward the shadowed ceiling overhead. Like a celestial disco ball, it scatters luminous beams into every cramped corner, banishing the oppressive gloom.
I can't resist flashing Rhyland a playful grin, always delighted to see wonder flickering in his eyes whenever I call upon my gifts. "Not too bad, eh?"
He shakes his head, one corner of his mouth quirking up. “You’re becoming quite adept with your abilities, Angel,” he says with a wink.
I sense the relic's irresistible psychic call growing stronger, tugging me like a hook caught under my ribs toward some hidden inner sanctum.
"This way," I direct, mystically attuned to forces beyond the physical now. We proceed forward, guided solely by the pure glow emanating from my makeshift light, casting wavering shadows over the cracked walls.
The air grows heavy and damp, our muted footsteps echoing eerily as we carefully pick our way down precarious stairs cut directly into the bedrock—the jagged ceiling bristles with stone icicles and grasping mineral formations like gnarled hands. Despite the preternatural hush around us, tension draws ever tighter as we delve deeper into the lightless heart of the ruins. Each step brings us closer to whatever profound secrets lie buried here, waiting to challenge or change the course of our shared fate...
The ground beneath us is uneven, a labyrinth of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. As I catch my breath, I realize this is the beginning of our journey through the Valley of Ancients.
Erik and Adrian step cautiously in our wake, their shadowy outlines drifting wraith-like in the dim of my magical light. I can feel tension coiling ever tighter in my chest as we venture farther into the ancient chamber's stygian depths.
Without warning, the stone floor shudders violently beneath our feet as a deep rumbling builds within the earth. Jagged fissures race across the rocks like skeletal fingers grasping for prey. I struggle to maintain my balance as the ground seems intent on bucking me into the void, but the rain-slicked surface affords no purchase. Heart hammering frantically against my ribs, I slip and feel empty air gape open below me.
Plunging into lightless freefall, my companion's wide-eyed faces blur beside me, paralyzed by primal terror. Their soundless screams mingle with mine as we hurtle ever faster into the ebon maw yawning below. I claw desperately at crumbling stones until my nails tear and fingertips run slick with blood, but our momentum cannot be halted now. All-consuming panic bubbles up—death eagerly awaits our impact.
Without warning, my body jars to an abrupt stop against the unforgiving rocks, wrenching agony exploding through my spine and shoulders. Breathless and stunned, I find myself somehow caught on the very lip of oblivion, fingers clinging to the barest outcroppings while razor winds whip at my limbs. One slip spells certain doom in the fathomless drop beneath me.
The distance is dizzying—the cavern has opened into a vast expanse below. My makeshift torchlight illuminates an abyss stretching forever, the distant walls glinting softly. Fear courses through my veins like ice, threatening to paralyze my every move as I gaze into the endless void below.
“Dani!” Rhyland’s voice pierces the darkness, his urgency igniting a spark of hope within me. I gaze to see his figure sliding down the rocky slope toward me. His eyes are locked on mine, his determination etched in every line of his face. He reaches me, his strong arm outstretched.
“Give me your hand!”
I stretch my trembling arm toward him, his grip closing around my fingers like an anchor. His muscles strain, his every sinew focused on the task at hand. Inch by inch, he pulls me up, his strength overpowering the pull of gravity.
Finally, with a burst of effort, Rhyland hauls me back onto solid ground. I collapse against the rocky surface, my chest heaving from the exertion and relief of survival. Rhyland kneels beside me, his hand warm on my back as he offers silent comfort.
The cavern, now illuminated by my ball of light, reveals its vastness—an underground chamber that echoes with untold history. The uneven ground beneath us is a labyrinth of mysteries waiting to be unraveled.
My heart continues hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs in the aftermath of my brush with a gruesome demise. I struggle to draw air into my spasming lungs, the world tilting as I fight against the residual vertigo plaguing my senses.
Rhyland crushes me fiercely to his chest, face buried in my hair as he holds me almost desperately tight. One hand cradles the back of my head protectively while the other smooths over every inch of me, checking for any hidden injury or damage.