Page 17 of Dark Awakening
I try reassuring Emily we'll figure this out. But inside, confusion and unease churn. The intense eyes that tracked me throughout the club made my skin prickle.
That drink we were given—a sweet trap concealing their vile intentions. I seethe recalling how I grew sluggish and confused, my will sapped away. They deliberately incapacitated us, plotting like predators. It's revolting.
Emily and I sit in brooding silence. One thing's for sure—these lowlifes messed with the wrong women. Once we have the facts, there will be hell to pay. They wanted power and control but will soon learn what happens when you awaken fury in victims' hearts.
Iplunk my ass down in a corner booth of Lucian's club. The sun is out, so the place is closed, making the place all ours. We're gathered around a table, poring over the layout of Azrael's stronghold. Our mission is clear—infiltrate swiftly and covertly to gather intel on his operations.
Lucian taps the map urgently. "We've gotta be smart about this. That place will have some top-notch security."
Erik nods. "Stealth is paramount. We cannot alert Azrael to our presence."
My fists are balled up tight, picturing those poor bastards trapped below us. "Azrael's a ruthless son of a bitch. If he thinks there is a threat, they're dead. We gotta take that fucker out."
Lucian holds up a hand. "Easy there, Lone Ranger. This is just a scouting op for now. We're getting the lay of the land first."
My scowl's etched deep, and I can feel the impatience like a tide rising. "Every damn second we waste, Azrael's off claiming more innocents. We need to move now."
"I get you wanna go all in guns blazing, but that's a sure way to screw this up," Lucian counters firmly. "We case the joint, gather evidence, then plan our takedown strategy. Rushing in blind benefits no one."
It pisses me off, but even I can't deny Lucian's got his head on straight. "All right, spit it out. What's your brilliant strategy?" I bark, reluctantly giving him the floor.
Lucian taps an area on the map. "I'll hack security here and disable the alarms to gain access to these underground tunnels." He traces a path with his finger. "That's likely where Azrael keeps his blood slaves."
My hands are damn near crushing themselves, anger boiling up from deep inside. It's like fighting the pull of a rip tide, this itch to lash out, but I keep my shit together.
"Inside, we go our separate ways—cover more ground, faster," I command, voice like gravel. Lucian tips his head, a silent acknowledgment that the plan's solid.
"I'll take tunnel sections A and B. You sweep C and D." He turns to Erik. "You be our eyes topside and give the signal if trouble comes."
Erik nods in agreement. "Consider it done."
I take a steadying breath, reining in my simmering rage. "We get those people out, Lucian."
Lucian holds up a hand. "First things first—let's assess and confirm the sitch. Then we'll organize an extraction plan with the proper personnel and resources."
I exhale harshly, knowing he's right but hating this passive reconnaissance phase. The urge to charge ahead recklessly gnaws at me. That means having the discipline to plan this methodically, even as injustice continues unchecked.
Sensing my frustration, Lucian grips my shoulder. "We'll shut this bastard down and free everyone who's down there. But we do it smart; No risks until we know exactly what we're dealing with."
I toss him a nod, though it sticks in my throat. The council and their damn red tape drive me up a wall—I'm all action, not sitting around talking shit to death. But I can't screw this up by being a hothead. Gotta play it smart, even if it kills me.
"We gather evidence, build an airtight case, and take it to the council," Erik says. "They can authorize a full takedown force."
"So we stick to surveillance for now," I concede. "But at the first sign of opportunity for extraction, we act. Understood?"
Lucian grins roguishly. "Loud and clear, boss man. We're gonna take this sucker down and free his prisoners. I promise you that."
I meet his determined gaze and nod firmly. Then, we hear the front door of the club rattle, followed by a loud creak.
I give him an "Are you fucking kidding me" look, and he just shrugs and responds, "Uh oh, I guess I didn't lock it."
The door creaks open and in walks Danica with her friend. Just laying eyes on her sets off a storm inside me—raw desire, crazy jealousy, and a hint of caution all duking it out. I keep my cool at the table, acting like I'm all caught up in these maps, but I'm snatching every chance to look at my angel. Just having her close is testing the hell out of my iron control.
Lucian greets them with his usual roguish charm. "Well, hello, ladies. Club's closed, but maybe we could work something out." He punctuates the offer with a suggestive wink.