Page 47 of Dark Awakening
"Who the hell do you think you are?" the vampire growls, though his defiance rings hollow.
The man's lips twist into a chilling smile. "Someone you don't want to fuck with." His eyes burn into the vampire. "Leave. Now."
The vampire hesitates, visibly unnerved. After a tense beat, he turns and retreats quickly, not looking back.
My pulse races erratically. Slowly, the man turns, his intense gaze fixing on me. Concern lurks there under the danger. "Are you okay?" he asks gently. Something about his voice...I know it but can't place it—
Emily's fingers dig sharply into my shoulder, and she gives me a little shake. "What the hell…? Are you alright?"
I stare blankly, pulse thundering in my ears. My thoughts are a disjointed mess. I manage to murmur, "Yeah...I'm okay. Just freaked out."
Emily peers at me critically, unsatisfied. But before she can ask more, I snap out of my daze—"Shit, your face! That bastard hit you. Are you okay?"
Emily gingerly touches her cheek, wincing at the swelling bruise. But she forces a pained smile. She grabs her stool and flops back down, waving over the bartender for yet another round. “Yeah, just fucking peachy,” she spits out the sarcasm. "I'll live. I'm more worried about you right now."
Guilt for what she endured twists my gut. But overwhelming gratitude for her steadfast friendship threatens to spill my tumultuous emotions over. I quickly look back to where my rescuer stood; he's gone.
We sink numbly onto stools at the bar. Emily eyes me with concern as we quietly sip replacement drinks.
"Jesus, this place is cursed," she mutters, glancing around warily. " I think it's time we find a new hangout spot."
I nod vaguely, barely listening. My thoughts race in disarray, fixated on my mysterious savior. We've only met in passing once before. Yet he shielded me with the ferocity of someone protecting a lifelong friend.
I stir my drink absently, my mind spinning with scenarios. Vampire? I consider the terrifying speed and strength he exhibited. But would a vampire intervene to protect a human? I tap my foot anxiously, searching my brain for explanations or logic to define what he is. But deep down, I know—no ordinary being could have done what he did.
My investigative instincts surge…
"Earth to Danica!" Emily's voice jerks me from my turbulent thoughts. I blink, taking in the empty glasses on our table, realizing I've been silent for several minutes.
"Sorry, just...processing everything," I say, my voice faint.
I drop my gaze, unable to meet her concerned stare. I anxiously twist my purse strap between my fingers, the leather creaking under the tension. My foot taps restlessly as I glance down yet again, scrutinizing my hands in my lap. I rub my palms together, almost expecting to feel the heat of mystical flames flickering over my skin once more.
But there is nothing—just my own warm flesh, completely ordinary—no otherworldly fire or smoke. I let out a tense exhale, leaning back against the seat. For now, at least, the bizarre power remains dormant within me.
Emily reaches over, stilling my fidgeting hands with her own. "It's okay, I get it. That asshole really rattled you, huh?" I nod mutely.
I try to focus on Emily's lighthearted chatter as we finish our drinks, but my attention keeps straying. A prickle on the back of my neck makes me turn frequently, irrationally expecting to see him lingering nearby, watching me.
Soon, we call it a night, both exhausted. Emily tightly links her arm through mine as we walk to my car, the nearly empty parking lot bathed in ominous shadows. I reluctantly slide into the driver's seat, apprehension and reckless anticipation warring within me.
Something about my mysterious savior's timely and protective intervention tonight reminds me of another who recently came to my aid—the cryptic "dark guardian angel" who has been inserting himself into my life uninvited. The one I secretly think of as my shadow.
Could tonight's confrontation provide a clue to the true identity of my so-called protector? The ferocity with which this stranger shielded me echoes how Rhyland has appointed himself my personal sentinel.
I think back to our brief encounters, overlaying this new savior's sharp features with Rhyland's. Could it possibly be him? Questions resurface, stirring that addictive intrigue that always accompanies thoughts of my elusive guardian.
I don't have enough pieces yet to confirm if they are one and the same. But my instincts whisper that I have not seen the last of the shadows yet—both this new mysterious savior and the alluring enigma of Rhyland. Where they will lead me next remains to be seen.
Rain beats against the window as I grip the kitchen table, willing my hands to stop shaking. This supernatural madness has become too much to handle alone. Strange abilities I can't control, unanswered questions piling sky-high, and the hypnotic, dangerous pull of Rhyland threatening to drag me under.
I'm drowning in secrets, unable to trust my own mind lately. I need a lifeline before I go under completely.
My thoughts scramble for escape routes before landing on one—my parents. Their comforting familiarity is exactly what I need. Though anger and hurt linger, my love for them runs deeper still.