Page 54 of Dark Awakening
My mental gears kick into overdrive—I gotta step up be the rock she can crash against with all her darkest demons and fears.
For now, I run my fingers through her hair, hoping it's a whisper of comfort. "You'll get those pieces, I promise." Even if I gotta tear apart every shadow in this twisted tale.
"Just do me a favor?" I ask the words more like a command. "Keep your ass indoors tonight, all right?"
She gives me this faint nod, the sharp edges of her freaking out softening just a hint. I hang back until she's locked down inside her house before I bolt back to the madness of Seattle.
The drive home passes too quickly. I already miss the sanctuary of this place. But I know I cannot hide here forever. Real life awaits in Seattle; it is scary and uncertain but mine to face.
My pulse continues to gallop, replaying that night's harrowing werewolf encounter. I had assumed the anomalous DNA results were merely an analytical artifact. But bearing witness to the physical metamorphosis with my own eyes proved my initial skepticism grievously misplaced.
Obtaining additional samples allowed me to rerun multiple tests seeking to validate the anomalous findings. I had to eliminate sample contamination or equipment errors before accepting such inexplicable results.
But repeat analyses only confirmed the confounding presence of lupine genetic markers interlaced with human DNA—an impossible hybrid chimera by all established science.
Seeking additional answers, I dove into research on lycanthropy—the magical transfiguration between human and animal form.
Reading about their ancient transformations, the eternal duality between beastly urges and human conscience mesmerized me. As details of bone-cracking alterations, heightened senses, and supernatural powers emerged, I felt dragged into a world where fantasy and reality blur.
I learned they can transform into this existence at will, bound by birthright. Though not immortal, death remains possible for these creatures. Lingering questions now keep me up at night, my curiosity raging.
I rub my wrist self-consciously, reminded of the strange energy that has manifested from my hands before. As Rhyland and I stood alone under the moonlight, the weight of the secret simmering inside me felt unbearable. More than anything, I wanted to confess to him the terrifying and exhilarating truth—that suddenly, I could conjure flames from nothing but the air.
The words danced dangerously on my tongue as I met his searching gaze. A part of me longed to unburden myself and beg for answers, or even just consolation, from this mysterious man who seems to dwell in shadowy spaces beyond the limits of my ordinary world.
But apprehension held my tongue prisoner. What if he saw me as a monster once he knew the truth? An anomaly outside the boundaries of nature? Would knowledge of my unfathomable power warp our fragile connection beyond salvaging?
Or worse—what if he wished to exploit this frightening new ability I never asked for? I know so little about Rhyland beneath the surface— his motivations, his history, what darkness or light dwells in his soul.
And so I swallowed down the confession burning within me. Until trust between us has been cemented, this terrifying secret remains mine alone to wrestle with in the deep, lonesome hours of the night.
Unanswered questions boil up, threatening to overwhelm me. How much worse can things get? I sense Rhyland wishes to confess something but struggles to express himself.
The break from Rhyland this week allowed me to focus on work and sorting out my chaotic thoughts. Yet, despite self-improvement, he occupies my mind constantly for reasons I can't explain. As baffling as it is, I'm drawn to this mystery man, my body and heart longing for his presence.
Evening light filters through my bedroom windows as Emily and I get ready together, our dresses laid out across the quilt.
Tendrils of steam coat the mirrors as I step into the shower, the hot water sluicing over my skin. I breathe deeply, inhaling the sweet floral notes of lavender shower gel. As I work my hair into a rich lather, my eyes close, and my mind drifts unbidden to thoughts of tonight.
The image blooms vividly in my imagination—an elegant mansion lit up against the night sky, strains of soaring orchestral music echoing through the darkness. I wonder as I rinse the suds away, sending rivulets streaming down my back—will he be there tonight?
"Yo, you alive in there, or did ya straight up drown?" Emily's voice pierces my daydreams.
"Chill, I'm coming!" I laugh, shutting off the water.
I wrap a towel around myself as Emily barges into the steamy bathroom.
"Enough lollygagging, we got a ball to slay!" she proclaims. "Tonight, we are finding you a hot hookup, guaranteed!"
I blush, my thoughts going instantly to Rhyland. He's the only one I hope to see tonight.
"Yes, let's get you sexified and snagging some arm candy!" Emily winks, handing me my blow dryer.
"Yeah, no. I'm not looking to meet anyone new," I admit, fiddling with the power cord. "More just want to have fun with you and see what the night brings."