Page 12 of Kissing the Kelpie
I catch my breath as he releases me, touching me ever so gingerly. I pant, gasping for air. I barely feel his touches. After securing his hold on my hair, his fingers glide over my pebbled nipple.
I press my breast into his hand as he flicks and rubs the peak, pulling it gently, elongating it. I’m relaxed again with my eyes closed, moaning in pleasure, when his fingers close with a vice-like grip, pinching the tiny nub hard. A lightning rod of hot white pain shoots through my body and straight down to the center of my thighs.
It frees my mind. I need more. More pleasure. More pain.
“Come in the water,” I plead, desperate to touch and pleasure him.
He shakes his head and crooks his fingers at me while still gripping my hair. He uses it like a leash, tugging and pulling me to his whim, directing me until I climb out and stand in front of him.
I’m bared to him, standing naked for his scrutiny. I swallow hard, feeling vulnerable now that I’m out of the comfort of the water and can no longer hide in it. Not that it hid much, but now… His eyes ravish my body as they scan my every inch and crevice. His face turns hard as his pupils dilate and soak me in.
Wrapping a hand around my waist, he yanks me firmly against his body. His thick, muscular thigh settles between my legs. Moving back and forth, It feels strong and powerful. I shift my hips, rubbing against him, yearning for him to take me.
“I’m sorry if I’m too rough,” He whispers, his mouth close to my ear as he squeezes my ass. He brings me to the brink of my pain threshold. Before the pain outweighs the pleasure, he releases his hold and rubs my tender flesh with a feather-light touch. “I don’t wish to hurt you.” He nuzzles my neck, tracing the seam of my crack with his fingertips. “Ever.”
I shake my head. “You’re perfect.”
“I’m trying not to go too hard or too fast, but I don’t know what the right amount is. You need to tell me if I get to be too much. This is my first time.”
Why do men feel the need to ruin a good moment with a load of bullshit? “You don’t need to lie to me. I’m here. I’m willing.”
He strokes my flushed face and shakes his head while crushing me against him, pressing his erection against me. Umm…make that his incredibly large erection.
“I’m not lying.” He insists. “I’ve never coupled before.”
I smile. That’s such an odd term for sex. Old fashioned for sure. But I like it. It doesn’t sound as callous as fucking and humping. Yeah, I like coupling better.
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Where I come from, when a male is ready, he searches for a female to couple with as much as possible for seven days. He takes her with sheer violence, very fast and before she can protest. I don’t wish to hurt you, and I need you to tell me if I do.”
“What if I don’t mind a little pain?” He looks as surprised hearing it as I am saying it. The pain keeps me in the present. I can’t think about how empty my heart feels. I don’t miss Mike or Ana. Even my anger toward Em is diminished when lightning burns through me and strikes me between my legs.
I don’t want this man; I need him.
He doesn’t answer with words. Instead, he loosens his pants with his free hand and backs us up into the trunk of a hulking tree. It all feels very animalistic and primitive.
My heart thunders with the fear and excitement of allowing myself to be swept away by lust. I reach under his loose-fitting shirt and touch his taut abs while he frees himself.
This isn’t a six-pack; it’s at least eight, if not ten or twelve. The tight, hard boxes are never-ending. He lifts me by my ass, finally letting my long blonde hair hang loose around my face and breasts. The soft hair, a contrast to his punishing touch, tickles and teases my nipples. I press my back against the rough bark as his hands slide between my thighs from behind and his fingers pull my folds apart.
Holding onto his shoulders, I feel his large tip at my entrance. Moving ever so slightly, he works his way into me. My fingers dig into his flesh as he slowly pushes deeper. Each time he stops, and I think his whole shaft is inside me, there’s more.
I gasp, crying out at the pain as I stretch around him and adjust to his massive size. I know it’s been a lifetime since I had sex or touched a man there, but he doesn’t feel like an ordinary man. He’s freaking huge!
“You okay?” Sweat drips from his forehead.
I nod, trying to keep very still.
“Dance for me.” I don’t move until he bites my lip hard.
I pull away from him, unsure if he broke the skin and drew blood. My back presses harder into the rough bark, and my hips tilt forward, taking more of him in. More? How much more is there?
He continues to hold my folds spread, inching deeper, until with one brutal thrust, he forces his full length inside me.
I scream so loud, I think they can hear me along the entire East Coast. Holy mother of sexual beings. I’ve never been so completely filled by a man that his tip hit my brain. He might as well tattoo his every curve and vein inside me.
Holding me tight, he leans forward and touches his forehead against mine as he pulls out, inch by inch, giving me a moment of respite. I bite his shoulder as he plunges in again, this time with abandon. Hard and fast. I see stars behind my eyelids. But when I push past the pain, it feels amazing.