Page 33 of Kissing the Kelpie
The lump in his throat bobs as he swallows, and his chest puffs out. “If you think you can find happiness with another man—”
“Finn, no!” My heart drops to the floor, slides, and crashes into the wall. How can he think that? Can’t he feel my emotions for him when we touch, the way I recognize the affection in his eyes? “There’s no one else.”
“Maybe not today. You don’t know what will happen in the future.”
“I do know. I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
He inches closer to me, pressing his front against mine. I feel his chest expand with each breath.
“Accept my pledge to stay by your side and protect you, Ana, and our son. Understand, whether you agree or not, I will not leave my child.”
Of course he won’t. He’s the father every woman wants for her child. He’s what any woman would want for herself. Why can’t I say yes?
“It’s not completely up to me. Did you forget about Em? He’ll never agree.”
“He already has. Em understands he can’t protect you when you leave the forest.”
“I don’t leave the forest,” I sass him, and my eyes fill with tears, wishing I could leave. Wishing we could go off somewhere and build a life together. I want so badly to find the courage to accept everything Finn is offering, kelpie or not, and live out the rest of my days with him.
His eyes dart to the side as he takes a deep breath. When his blue orbs meet mine again, his voice is tender. “You did leave. You were dragged into the river, and Em couldn’t save you, but I could. I did. I will fight for you with my last breath.”
My eyes tear and my lip trembles. I want to throw my arms around him and hold him until the end of time. If only I could just let go and allow myself to do it.
“Why are you trying so hard? Why don’t you walk away?”
“Because I love you. Don’t you understand? I can go home and fight for land, but it’s not what I want because you won’t be there. I don’t belong there. I never did.” He takes my hands in his, his thumbs rubbing over the back of my fingers. “Here, we belong. Here, we can have a wonderful life. This beautiful forest has everything we’ll ever need. It’s the perfect place to raise our children, together, as a family.”
He’s my oxygen, and I’m starved of it. I need to touch him, kiss him, feel him pressed up against me. Urgency controls me. I pull my hands from his, clasp them around his neck, and pull him to me. I feel the smile on his lips as my mouth meets his.
Seconds pass in a gentle kiss as Finn’s breathing changes. His arms around my waist tighten and crush me against his chest while his tongue swirls with mine. I not only return his kiss, I deepen it, yearning to feel his hands exploring my body. I try to put the words I can’t express in the kiss, hoping he feels every bit of it because Kelpie or not, he’s the man of my dreams.
Breathless, I break away and rest my forehead against Finn’s. “Take me to see our son.”
Chapter 23
“You’re beautiful!” Erin steps back as I spin around like a five-year-old in her first fancy gown. “You always are, but now, you look radiant.”
“Thank you. And thanks for everything you’ve done over the last month. You’ve been a huge help in every way.”
“No thanks necessary. Besides, I’m sure you’ll help me out when the time comes.” Hmm. She adjusts my dress so that it hangs off my shoulders. “Masha? Can I give you some advice? Consider it my something borrowed.”
“I would if this was a real wedding.” I can’t keep myself from making this seem less important to me than it is.
“It’s as real as you want it to be in your heart. Finn adores you. I know there’ve been times when you’ve looked at him and seen something terrifying. I know because, for a short while, that’s how I saw Em.”
Great. Just what I need right now, a reminder that no matter how much I want him to be, Finn isn’t a man. He isn’t human.
“The thing is,” she takes hold of my hands and squeezes tight. “Their hearts are different too. I think they’re bigger and capable of a love so deep, we can’t fathom how far it goes. They love us more than any human could. So, while there will still be times when you will see Finn in a light you’d rather not, you can choose what you believe, deep down. Choose not to see a dangerous monster. See the fearless creature that will fight to the death to keep you and your children safe.”
“Thank you.” My heart beats heavy in my chest.
“One more thing. You deserve this. This man. This life. You deserve a lifetime of happiness.”
“Mama, do you hear the music!?” Ana bounds into our bedroom wearing her favorite dress. “It’s beautiful.”
“It is,” Erin agrees, looking surprised. “You don’t think it’s . . .”
I nod. “I know it is. He plays like an angel. You never heard the music at night?” Erin shakes her head. “Strange. It’s how I discovered Finn, playing at the spring under the moonlight.”