Page 35 of Kissing the Kelpie
Finn releases my hands. Turning toward Em, he takes the piece of jewelry.
“Wait.” I look at Em, confused. “Finn and I touched earlier and I didn’t have the bracelet or necklace on and I didn’t stick to him.”
“I held his chain and ordered him not to stick to anyone in his human form.”
“That’s how you were able to hold Ana?”
“Yes,” Em answers. “But for the ceremony I removed all orders. For my blessing, Finn must make sacrifices of his own free will, or else I can’t permit him to stay in the forest.”
Just the thought of Em sending Finn away makes my nerves twist like licorice sticks. I look back at the man I love and give his hands a squeeze.
“Masha, as the woman I pledge my life to, I offer you not just my heart, but also my free will. Accept this chain as a sign of my love for you.”
He’s handing me his free will. Hearing him put it in these words gives me perspective. I didn’t realize giving me his chain meant he trusted me not to abuse my control of him. And in a fit of anger, I threw it in his face. I turn to Em, unsure of what I’m supposed to do.
“Do you wish to spend your life with Finn as your lifelong mate?”
“Tell him what’s in your heart.”
“Finn, I accept your gift and promise never to use it to harm or mistreat you. I will only ever ask for your love and devotion to our family.”
He leans in and clasps the silver necklace around my neck.
“By accepting this, you control my free will. You have my life in your hands.” He turns to Em and takes the bracelet I once wore. “I give you this gift as an added layer of protection. With the help of Emerald Hickory, the leshy charged with your safety, we shored up the magic it holds. As long as you wear this on your wrist, you will never stick to a kelpie against your will, and you will have the ability to breathe underwater for at least twenty-four hours. Do you accept this as a sign of my love and dedication?”
“I do,” I answer, my entire body trembling with a surge of love that feels like uncontained electricity.
“Ana?” Finn turns his attention to my daughter. “Please come here.” With pink cheeks, looking like she wants to hide behind me, Ana steps forward. Taking a smaller bracelet from Em, Finn bends so that he’s eye level with my daughter. “Ana, I offer you this bracelet as a sign of my love and dedication to you. I wish to be your father in every way, starting by offering you the same protection from kelpies I have given to your mother.”
“What’s a kelpie?” She looks up at me.
“I’ll tell you later,” I whisper. “Do you want Finn to be your daddy?”
“Yes!” Ana says, lighting up the darkening sky. She lunges at him, but I pull her back before she can touch him. I have his chain, but Em said he needs to do this of his free will. Ana pouts, disappointed.
“Let Finn put the bracelet on you first, then you can give him a big hug and kiss.”
After Finn secures the small bracelet around her wrist, Ana wastes no time in wrapping him up in a hug. The piece of my heart I’ve been holding back is no longer under my control. It now belongs to Finn.
“Now, may I have my son, please?”
Finn bends and lifts the basket holding our baby. He places it at my feet. He looks nervous, and I can tell I won’t like what’s coming next.
“Our little Nugget is one of a kind.” Finn’s eyes bore into mine. “His powers and strength are unknown. Until he’s old enough for me to teach him how to control shifting, among other things,” his eyes drift to Ana. I get it; this is about keeping Ana safe from her little brother. “I think it’s best to bind his powers, but I need you to agree.”
I didn’t expect this. I didn’t know this was a possibility I should consider. I thought the toughest decision we would have to make would be whether or not to circumcise him.
“Masha,” Em nudges me. “Time is of the essence.”
“Then I can hold my son?”
“I promise,” Finn answers. “For as long as you like.”
I have nothing to base this on, no prior experience with kelpie babies. I look at Finn and squelch down my internal panic. “You believe this is for the best?”
He nods. “I do. I believe it’s necessary, and Em agrees. Until Nugget is old enough to take direction and understand how to control himself, he needs to be bound.”