Page 23 of Warrior Witch
But that would be letting him win.
Instead, I gave a rude snort and slid out from under him, hiding the wobble in my legs as I caught a whiff of fresh air. The catacombs felt too crowded, and I prayed that wherever the air was coming from, it would give me some space to escape the building attraction I had to the last person I wanted to be with.
And the first person I desperately wanted to rail me.
What the fuck was I doing?
The thought occurred to me as I adjusted my erection and followed the bitch, who happened to be a witch, whom I had been sent to kill. The Grim Hearts MC wasn’t a club you messed with. You came for one of us? We all came for you. And no one walked away from that.
So why had I agreed to this side quest to the middle of nowhere instead of getting my job done and heading back to the fold?
The answer to that lay in the fizzing power in my veins that had gone from a simmer to a boil since Little Miss Sparkle Fingers had decided to fuck up my life. I could feel the pull of the tide before the scent of the ocean told me we were headed for an exit. I could sense pockets of water within the catacombs where the ocean had eroded the rock over centuries. While my power predominantly gave me control over the weather, the boost I was experiencing seemed to give me a deeper connection to my element than I’d ever had before.
Whether it was the town itself, or the witch who’d brought me here, remained to be seen.
Dust tickled my nose, threatening to send me into a sneezing fit as I broke into a jog, only slowing to a walk when Harlow’s perfectly plump ass came into view. I wanted to bite it. Leave my marks all over her body and watch as she broke apart, begging for my cock. I imagined those sassy lips stretched around my girth as I fucked into her mouth. Tears leaking down her face as she gagged while begging me for more with those expressive eyes.
Unbidden, a new image broke into the fantasy.
This time it was me on my knees. My lips stretched wide. Me gagging on… Fucking Kylen.
Alone in the hotel room the previous night, he’d acted completely unaware of what he was doing when he’d stripped naked in front of me to change for bed, but his vines had given him away. Those wandering ropes of greenery tightened over my cock, even as they slid along my crack. Teasing. Waiting. I hadn’t missed the sly look he’d thrown me as I’d grown hard under the covert ministrations. He wanted me. I hated to admit it, but I wanted him, too. Shame the whole fucking, then killing his friend thing was going to put a dampener on our budding romance.
My cell phone burned a hole in my pocket, willing me to make contact with the club and give the update they were expecting hours ago. How could I tell them the plan had encountered a little SNAFU. Situation normal: all fucked up. I sighed. Normally, I was the reliable one. The guy who got shit done, and damn the consequences, because my club was all that mattered. I was still that guy. Just… hornier?
Barely suppressing a groan of frustration, I turned a corner and stepped out into daylight.
“Holy shit.” The words escaped me on a breath that was a little too reverent to be good for my reputation.
The dusty floor gave way to pure white sand beneath my boots, and I felt the strongest urge to ditch my shoes and socks so I could feel the powder-soft grains between my toes. We were in a cove. A small beach tucked away from the coast with high cliff faces sheltering it on three sides. The gray-green waves lapped gently at the shore, and a sense of absolute peace lightened my heart for the first time in a long time. To my right, the river launched itself from the cliff in a joyous waterfall, causing the meeting of fresh and salt water in the shallows nearby.
Harlow was down at the ocean’s edge, her dark head bent over whatever she’d hidden from me in the catacombs. It looked like a book of some kind. What was she up to? Despite my growing physical attraction to her, I didn’t trust her.
A shout from above brought her head up and around, a smile growing on her face as she stepped away from the water. Breaking my gaze away from her, I glanced up to find Kylen and Addie on the cliff.
“Be careful up there,” Harlow called.
Addie danced along the edge, pretending to lose her balance and falling back into the grass before she sprang to her feet and repeated the game. Harlow’s warm chuckle floated over to me on the breeze. It was clear to anyone how much she loved that kid. It was going to be a complication.
As though the thought of my job here had summoned them, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Shit, I couldn’t put it off anymore, so as subtly as I could, I moved toward the waterfall and slipped the device out of my pocket, connecting the call.
“Hey, what’s up? I can’t talk long.”
“Why the fuck have you been radio silent? Is the bitch dead yet?” Kevin’s voice was an annoying mix of surly and sullen, and I had to bite back the sharp retort rising on my tongue.
In the last twenty-four hours I’d been electrocuted, bound by grope-y vines, shoved in a trunk, kidnapped, and cock teased all in the name of his ego. I loved my brothers, but sometimes they really pissed me off.
“Good to hear from you, Kev. It’s been too long. How’s the shiner?”
He really hadn’t liked wearing a black eye given to him by a woman. The torrent of curse words that came back at me brought a dangerous smile to my lips. He ran out of steam a couple of seconds later, and with a final “fuck”, he redirected the conversation.
“Seeing as you haven’t bothered to check in, I’m calling for an update, brother.”
The term of endearment was gritted out, as though he were picturing my demise right alongside my target’s. We’d always had a love-hate relationship, but being legacies, neither of us were willing to let shit get in the way of the club. So, for the club, I’d do my fucking job.
Behind me, Harlow was still preoccupied with Addie and Kylen. Good. Using the roar of the waterfall to cover my voice, I pressed closer to the cliff face and hoped they didn’t notice me gone until I finished the call.