Page 63 of Warrior Witch
Addie’s jaw dropped, “You…want me to live with you?”
“Of course I do! I mean, if you want that. I won’t be offended if you don’t, I just thought—”
“I’m going to live with my brother!” she squealed, throwing her arms around him tight.
He hugged her back, squeezing hard, then nudged her toward me. Suddenly I had a face full of teenager.
“Can you believe it, Harlow?”
I barely contained my happy tears as I held her. “I’m so fucking glad you’re getting out of that home, kiddo.”
Lindsay and I had been trying to get her out since we turned eighteen, but never got anywhere because of our jobs and less-than-fantastic history in our own foster homes. But with Kylen being related by blood, it could finally happen.
I’d say it was fate if Hendrix hadn’t turned the word into his version of a swear jar.
Addie grinned. “I’m still gonna be over every day, though, so don’t go thinking the dog talk is over.”
“Nope, you’re Kylen’s problem now.”
Kylen smirked. “Not if I find a house big enough for all of us. Your place is cute, but I don’t think Ranto and Hendrix will be willing to live apart from their mate and treasure for long. So if you’re looking for somewhere, and I’m looking for somewhere…”
Bruin cleared his throat obnoxiously, leaning over to nibble at Kylen’s neck as he growled against his skin. “I think you forgot someone.”
“Did I? Oh, well, Lindsay would obviously be welcome, too.” He yelped as Bruin gave a particularly hard nip. “Ow! Okay, you got me! Do you wanna move in?”
“Hm, I’d need space for my bike. But I’ll consider it, since I like my roommates.”
Addie stood, placing a freshly summoned daisy crown on Bruin’s head. “I dub thee, King of the Dishes!”
He sighed but only to hide a smile. “Thanks, kid.”
A piercing whistle snagged Addie’s attention as Lindsay swaggered over from the building’s entrance. “Hey! You ready for a movie with the OG big brother?”
“You’re such a dork.” Addie giggled, waving at us over her shoulder as she headed to the Camry with him. “See you guys later!”
Lindsay unlocked the car, grinning as he yelled, “Harls! I’m gonna stay with Kedron after I drop off Addie. Don’t do anyone I wouldn’t do!”
Sound advice, as always.
As Kylen, Bruin, and I quietly climbed the stairs to my apartment, I felt their eyes on me, burning into my back. I knew Hendrix and Ranto would be in the apartment—most likely napping, in Ranto’s case—but would this be an opportunity to have all of my lovers together? It felt selfish to even want it, but ever since I woke up from death in their arms, I’ve wanted to feel them surround me again. Only this time, under much more pleasurable circumstances.
The moment we entered the apartment, hands were on me. Bruin dragged my tank top up and over my head, kicking the door closed behind him, while Kylen pulled me in by my waist to kiss me deeply. I groaned, addicted to the sensation of his lips on mine, and tangled my fingers in his hair. He was the first of my lovers I trusted, but the only one I hadn’t had inside me. This had been too long coming, and I was going to make sure it had been worth the wait.
A hard length pressed into me from behind, and my bra dropped from my shoulders before tattooed fingers cupped my breasts, then thumbs flicked over my piercings.
“Fuck, I’m obsessed with these.” Bruin’s voice was an erotic rumble in my ear.
I squirmed between them, my arousal pooling in my panties. Kylen’s tongue massaged my own, tasting me and leaving me breathless.
“I hope this isn’t a private party.” Hendrix growled from the door to my bedroom.
Kylen released my mouth, and I dropped my head back on Bruin’s shoulder to look over at my gryphon and raiju. Ranto leaned on the doorframe beside Hendrix, wearing nothing but adorable chicken nugget boxer briefs and a scrunchie holding his long hair up in a messy bun.
“We have the apartment to ourselves tonight.” I murmured, reaching for Hendrix.
He crossed the tiny room in two strides, taking my hand and kissing my fingers, followed by my palm. No one in my life had ever cared for me the way he did. I loved how he treated me like something precious, literally his treasure.