Page 22 of Hooking Her Up
Except I’m not really free, am I?
“I’ll have to face my dad,” I say. “He’s not going to like this. I really will be completely cut off.”
“We’ll go see him together,” he assures me. “Whenever you’re ready. And Kayla?”
“I’m not falling in love with you. I’m already down, and never getting back up.” He pulls me close, kissing me under the shade of his porch. When he pulls away, I’m locked in his gaze. “I love you.”
I hold on tight, clinging to this moment with all my strength, pushing aside any thoughts that don’t have to do with Liam and the new recipe I want to create for him. Nothing can ruin this. Not even my father’s rage.
Chapter 10
After we eat breakfast together, I show Kayla around my house. She seems to view it like it’s a mansion instead of a tiny cottage, in awe at what a neat freak I am.
“Hey, I work around dirty cars and motors all day. This is my, no, our sanctuary.” I narrow my eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re a slob.”
She knows I’m teasing and knows I’d love her even if she was. But the daunting task of facing her father later and getting more of her things is weighing on her. Worry is etched into her beautiful face, even under her bright smile. She shyly asks if she can make some room in the bedroom closet, and I leave her in there to go clean up the breakfast dishes so she can show me how to make chocolate chip cookies later.
I never thought I’d be so excited to bake cookies, but it’s on par with winning the lottery. Even though I stayed up half the night working out my plan, I’m revitalized by Kayla’s confession of love.
The last pan is drying in the rack when there’s a loud knock at the door. I open it to find none other than the man who put the anxiety in my girl’s eyes. Her father glares at me, stepping past me into the house without an invitation.
“Where is she?” he demands.
I don’t glance at my closed bedroom door. Kayla can come out if she wants. I hold out my hand. “I’m Liam Chase. I don’t think we’ve actually introduced ourselves yet.”
Ignoring my hand, he glares around the living room and into the kitchen. “I’m not interested in knowing you. If Kayla’s really not here, I’ll get down to business.”
“What business is that?” I don’t like the look in his eyes one bit.
He pulls out a piece of paper and thrusts it at me, along with a check. “That’s fifty thousand dollars, along with a contract you have to sign in order to accept it. You’ll see the monthly payment is more than generous and will continue for at least the next two years. Until Kayla graduates from college or until she’s engaged to someone I deem suitable.”
I’m seething, my fists clenched. His self-satisfied face as he waves his bribe at me makes me see red.
“What happens if she still loves me after two years?” I ask coolly, pleased to see this shakes his confidence.
“She won’t,” he snaps. “Look at what I’m offering. You can expand your business to something that might actually be profitable. If you’re inclined to be lazy, you can live well off my monthly allowance.”
I still don’t reach for his contract, and now I’m barely holding back from taking a swing. He’s not only insulting Kayla, he’s taking a shot at everything I’ve worked for. Despite wanting to shout and rip his head off, I speak in a low growl.
“You can take that contract and that check and shove them up your ass. Respectfully,” I add, without an ounce of respect. “Kayla’s an adult. You should consider letting her live how she wants, instead of forcing her to be something she’s not, and do things she hates.”
“How dare you tell me how to raise my daughter,” he bellows, lunging toward me.
I step away and he stumbles, just as Kayla swings open the bedroom door. She’s sobbing.
“Dad, how can you do this?”
My heart breaks for her and I hurry to her side. She leans into me as I wrap my arm around her. Her father goes pale with rage.
“Come home with me right now or lose everything,” he warns. “You’ll never see another dime from me.”
“I never wanted your money,” she chokes through her tears. “Just acceptance and support. Can’t you let me try life on my own terms for once?”