Page 12 of Protective Boss
I nod even though he can't see me. “I will. Thanks, Clark.”
A heaviness settles on my chest as we end the call. I let my hand drop limply to my side, leaning heavily against the wall for support. I can feel my head reeling rapidly as my mind races with possible solutions to this new problem.
Paying the amount that Clark quoted will set me back substantially. I could borrow the money from Oliver's college fund but that's not even really an option. I'll have to change Oliver's preschool to a cheaper one and work twice as hard, probably get a second job, but that'll eat deeply into my time with Oliver.
I close my eyes and let out a shaky sigh. Everything will be alright… I'll make things work out somehow. I always do.
Just as I'm about to leave the room, Jason walks in. His tall, broad frame fills the entrance and suddenly, the room seems too small. There's something about his expression, an unusual tenderness that makes me wonder if he overheard my conversation with Clark.
“Oliver fell asleep on the couch with his movie,” he says casually, gesturing towards the living room. “His temperature was already looking better a few minutes ago.”
I nod, surprised that he genuinely seems to care. “Thanks for letting me know,” I say quietly, mustering a small smile.
He watches me for a moment, his eyes searching my face. “You okay? Is something wrong?”
I shake my head, trying for a convincing smile. “Nothing.”
“It doesn't seem like nothing,” Jason says, his eyes never leaving mine. “I heard you on the phone. What was that all about?”
I fold my arms over my chest, taking a defensive stance as I glare into his face. “I don't appreciate you eavesdropping on me in my house.”
"The walls are pretty thin, Bianca." His tone was surprisingly gentle like he knew I was putting up an act. "Are you in some sort of legal trouble?"
“It's none of your business.”
“You're my employee, Bianca,” he says in a firm tone. “That makes whatever this is my business.”
I let out a soft sigh, suddenly too tired to be brave and strong. I'm so tired that I feel like bursting into tears and having him hold me in his strong arms. But even that is a dream that I can't afford.
“It's about Oliver’s adoption,” I finally say, letting out another soft sigh.
“Oliver was adopted?” He asks, his voice heavily laced with disbelief.
"Yes, he's my sister's son," I explain. "She died due to complications after childbirth, so I decided to adopt him. It's been four years and everything has been going smoothly until now."
“What's the problem?”
“Daniel, Oliver's biological father, relinquished all his parental rights four years ago but now he wants Oliver back and I have to pay a ridiculous amount to fight him in court.”
“I'll take care of the legal fees,” he says without batting a lash.
I blink at him in disbelief, wondering if I heard him wrong. “What?”
“I'll take care of the legal fees so you don't have to worry about anything,” he replies with a careless shrug.
“You really don’t have to do that,” I say, shocked by his gesture. I’ve just begun developing real feelings for him and I don’t want my legal issues to mess up something real between us. I want the chance to explore this without any extra weight.
“I just want to help you, Bianca,” he says, hesitantly reaching out to caress my cheek. His touch sends chills down my body, reminding me of our interaction this morning. I wonder what it would be like to let go, to lean fully into his touch and see where it leads.
“Why?” I choke out, so overwhelmed with the emotions of the day I feel near-tears.
“I care about you, alright?” Jason says, his tone gruff. “From the very moment you walked into my office, you've made me feel things that I've never felt before; you drive me crazy, Bianca.”
My breath catches in my throat as he leans in closer, the heat of his body radiating against me. The walls seem to close in around us, and I can't seem to think straight with him so close. I swallow nervously as I watch his head descend to mine, then his mouth touches mine and I instantly lose my train of thought. His lips are warm and firm against mine, sending a rush of overwhelming sensations through my body. His kiss is gentle at first, almost hesitant as if he's giving me a chance to pull away if I want to. But instead, I find myself responding, parting my lips to allow him deeper access. It's my first kiss and never in my imagination did I ever think it'd be so explosive. My mind is racing at a thousand miles per second, and my body burning with a fire that threatens to consume me.
He pulls back, staring into my eyes as if looking for me to signal that I don’t want this as much as he does. But, without waiting for any further acknowledgement, he leans back down, threading his hands in my hair to pull me as close as possible. He lets out a gruff groan, the sound reverberating deeply in my throat.
It feels like an eternity before he finally pulls away again. This time, his eyes are filled with a raw hunger that's both exhilarating and terrifying. He reaches out to cup my cheeks, his gaze burning a hole through my soul.