Page 20 of Protective Boss
I pull her even closer, indulging in her delicious flowery scent. “Have I told you that you look absolutely ravishing today, love?”
Bianca chuckles, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “You may have mentioned it once or twice,” she teases, leaning into my embrace.
“Well, I think it bears repeating,” I say, stealing a quick kiss from her lips. “I’m proud of you too, you know.”
She raises an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “Oh? For what?”
“For everything,” I say sincerely, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “For being an amazing mother to our children, for pursuing your dreams and finishing your degree. I’m just proud of the woman you’ve become.”
Bianca’s eyes glisten with emotion, and she gives me a grateful smile. “Thank you, Jason. It means a lot to hear you say that.”
"I'll say it over and over again," I say, leaning in to kiss her briefly on the lips. I wish we weren't in a room full of people so that I could ravish her lips the way I crave to… Eight years and I still want her with a passion that's almost consuming in its intensity.
I wonder how she'd feel about having another kid now that Lila is a little grown. Lately, I can't seem to get the thought out of my head; another fair-haired little girl like Lila or a gray-eyed little boy like Oliver. I make a mental note to ask her about it later. Now is hardly the time to discuss such matters.
After we left the school, we took the children out for ice cream and games before heading back home. By the time we arrived home, they were tired and it was easy to put them to bed.
Once we're all alone, I scoop Bianca into my arms and carry her all the way to our bedroom while she giggles excitedly like a schoolgirl. I love it when she laughs so in always looking for ways to keep her laughing.
In the room, I set her gently on her feet and pulled her into my arms, gently running my mouth up her neck.
"Finally, we're alone," I whisper against her skin, trailing soft kisses along her neck. Bianca shivers in my arms, a low, contented hum escaping her lips. My hands roam over her body, down to her ass. I squeeze roughly, moaning when she grinds into me. “I've been waiting all day to peel that dress off you.”
She leans back slightly, gazing into my eyes with a sultry smile that sends thrills down my spine. “And I've been imagining that all day," she murmurs, a playful glint in her eyes.
“Have you now?” I tease, a grin tugging at my lips. “I’m tempted to make you wait a little longer."
She playfully slaps my arm and lets out a laugh. “You wouldn't dare.”
"Try me," I challenge, pulling her even closer. She giggles softly, sliding her hands up my back. I lower my mouth to hers as her arms slide up my chest to lock around my neck. I reach behind her to tug at the zipper of her dress. The silky material slips easily down her body, pooling on the floor around her legs.
“You too,” she says, tugging the hem of my shirt. I help her lift it over my head, letting it pool on the floor with her discarded dress. Then she grabs my belt, undoing it before moving on to my zipper and button.
I reach out to cup her face tenderly as I lower my mouth to hers in a gentle kiss. step out of my pants, then boxers. She pushes me towards the bed, but I pick her up. She loops her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She laughs gaily as I toss her on the bed, her mouth forming an O as I walk over to the closet to lift the long mirror. I carry it to the other side of our mattress, setting it against the wall so she's staring at her reflection. Then I step around the bed, coming behind her. I thread my fingers through her long shiny hair, turning her head so I can capture her mouth in a hard kiss. Then, I press my cock between her hips, nudging her pussy lips from behind as my other arm clamp over her waist. I shove my tongue in her mouth, gently nibbling her lower lip.
“Stop teasing me, babe,” she moans.
"I've been thinking," I murmur, trailing my tongue along her left shoulder blade while keeping my eyes locked on hers in the mirror.
“Huh?” She murmurs distractedly, craning her neck to allow me more access.
"What do you think about having another baby?" I ask, watching her face to gauge her reaction.
She twists her head to look at me, then reaches up to cup my face in her palm. “I've also been dreaming of a little boy with your eyes recently.”
“Really?” I ask hopefully, an unconscious grin tugging at my lips.
“Yes,” she nods, her smile widening slowly. “Or another girl that looks exactly like Lila.”
My chest swells with joy at the thought. “That’d be wonderful,” I say, returning her smile.
"Tomorrow, I'll call my gynecologist about getting off my birth control," Bianca says, her eyes brimming with excitement. "We can start trying for another baby as soon as she gives the go-ahead."
“Thanks, honey,” I say, placing a soft kiss on the side of her head. “I love you so much.”
"I love you too," she replies, then crawls onto the bed on all fours and grinds her ass over my throb cock.
“Now, let’s get to work.”