Page 12 of I Remember Moscato
Quinlan: Thank you!!
Giovanna Mancini-O’Reilly is the only daughter of Enea Mancini, head of the Chicago Mafia. She’s become one of my best friends and I love her dearly.
“I texted them both, and they’re talking to their dads. I’m sure they’ll send someone to help up tonight.”
“Thank you, Quinn,” Scott says to me.
Jagger comes over and kisses me. “Thank you, angel.”
I smile at both of them. My parents are coming out here in two weeks. I’ve told them about Jagger and his family, something I’ve never done before. My mom commented that he must be really special for me to want them to meet him. I told her he is special. My dad is more excited to meet Jagger’s dad. I didn’t even know he listens to Twisted Bonds.
Giovanna: Papà said he will send Lorenzo, Salvatore and Niccolò. Can Declan and I come too?
Quinlan: Thank you so much! And of course you can come. All of you can, we just needed some to be on security (smiley emoji)
Giovanna: Yay! We’ll be there in thirty minutes
Luciana: Papà said he’ll send Celestino, Keegan and Liam. And you know all the rest of us are coming. Lol
Quinlan: Thank both of your papàs for me!
Giovanna: My Papà is coming with us. Lol
Luciana: Mine too. Hahaha
Quinlan: Love you both! And see you all soon!
“Okay, there are six coming to do security and the rest are coming for the show.” I chuckle as I let everyone know.
Scott hugs me. “Thank you again for asking them for help. Maybe they’ll be interested in doing it again in the future.”
“I think they might. They’re good at being bodyguards, all the guys are really big and scary if you don’t know them.”
“Bigger than me and my boys?” Scott laughs.
“The ones I’ve met? They’ve got like fifty pounds on us. Shit, Giacomo Bastianini is like six foot seven.” Jagger chuckles.
“Holy shit.” Scotts eyes are huge.
“But they’re all super nice,” I add in.
Jagger nods. “They are. Scary but nice.”
I laugh more. When Jagger first met the Bastianini family, he said he felt small. Now, Jagger is far from small. He’s six foot four, but the guys that are the same height as him are bigger. I’ve teased them that they’re mutants. Because they really are that big.
Just as we’re talking about it, the Mancinis walk into the venue. I head over to greet them. I hug Giovanna and her cousin Fiorella first.
“I’m so excited to see Jagger’s band!” Fiorella says excitedly.
“And I’m excited that you’re here!” I giggle as the three of us jump around.
I love watching Quinn with her friends. It used to be just a few of them, but now with the Mancini women, their group has grown. I’ve been able to hang with the guys when we’re all together. When I first heard the words ‘mafia’ and ‘MC,’ I imagined the guys would absolutely hate me and my siblings. But I was wrong. They’re all really nice and I love how loyal all of them are to each other. Reminds me of how we are as a family.
I shake Enea, Lorenzo, Salvatore and Niccolò’s hands. The other guys are checking out the venue.
“Where do you need us?” Lorenzo asks.