Page 22 of Taming the Boss
“Yes, really.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“She is.” I hissed out a breath. “She’s too perfect.”
“Yeah. She seems like exactly what I’m looking for, which means she has the upper hand. Not me.”
“Since when?”
I flashed her a grim smile. “Since never.”
“And is that what has you in such a sour mood? I assumed it was the dearth of acceptable candidates, not that you’d found the perfect one for you.”
“Not for me, for my nanny.” I couldn’t reply fast enough.
I was already disconcerted at the way I’d reacted to Maddie to begin with. She seemed kind, smart, and professional.
Yes, she was gorgeous, true, but she was young. Far too young for me, and I’d be damned if I entertained some half-baked interest in my soon-to-be employee.
If she was going to be.
“Owen liked her,” I added as Caro narrowed her eyes to study me more closely. She knew me too well after working for me nearly half a dozen years now.
Bullshitting her was never going to fly. She’d come here with me without even demanding an exorbitant raise. She’d just requested a percentage of housing costs and a modest relocation stipend and she’d barely needed any notice once I’d bought my house.
She was the kind of employee I wanted for my nanny. Someone stalwart and reliable and good with my son, not young, fresh, and beautiful with a cop for a brother.
And far too young.
Caro was middle-aged. Older than me, even. I should’ve suggested an age range for my preferred nanny. Assuming that would fly. Which it probably would not. I didn’t want to be accused of being discriminatory when I was just trying to be…careful. Safe.
Proper in every fucking way.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“I didn’t say there was a problem. Just that I’d assumed I would have a selection of applicants. Not just…her.”
“Yes, but if she’s exactly what you wanted, why waste time interviewing others? Sounds fortuitous that the only one is the right one.”
“I don’t know if she’s the right one. She has a smart mouth.”
Caro’s lips twitched. “Sounds like she can handle you then. She’s sounding more and more right all the time.”
“Why, because you think she can keep me in line?”
“I didn’t say that. As long as she’s good with Owen, everything else is optional, right?”
“Yes.” She did have a point. My son was the most important part of this equation. Not my damn sexual urges.
Which meant unless some very qualified applicants showed up in my inbox very soon, it looked like I needed to contact Maddie before she decided she didn’t want my nanny position, after all.
Perhaps I should just go see her. My flowers hadn’t been delivered yet due to some snafu mentioned in a voicemail. Yesterday, I hadn’t had time to deal with it, but I could today.
We could discuss the issue with the flowers, and then maybe we could tackle more sneaker shopping since Owen still wanted another pair…and my job offer.
Hell, trusting my gut on a virtual whim had led to my very profitable partnership with Xavier and Gavin. So what if I hadn’t followed all the steps yet when it came to Maddie?