Page 26 of Taming the Boss
“Say hi to Kelsey for me,” I added to Dare. “Your wife.”
“Oh, I will. She’s so happy to be on summer vacation. School is a lot.” He let out a hearty laugh. “Oh, hey, do you want to see the latest photos of the kids? Though we have news on that score too.” He cocked his head. “Winter baby for us next year,” he added as if he was imparting a great secret.
As if everyone in the Cove wasn’t pregnant constantly.
You’re not. Not even a possibility for you.
Okay, there was a thought I’d never expected to have. So what? I had plenty of time for all that—if and when I wanted to go there.
I mean, sure, kids were cute and all, and Christian’s almost-wife Honey was only a bit older than I was. Barely older. She was a happy stay-at-home mom part of the time and worked part-time as a police dispatcher and a bakery clerk the rest of the time.
For a while, she’d thought she would become an educator, but eventually, she’d realized the reason she hadn’t been able to completely settle on her career was because she loved kids and she wanted to be with them. But not as their teacher, it turned out.
“Wow, congratulations to you and Kelsey,” I finally said, remembering Dare’s comment before my baby-related spiral. “Do you want a boy or a girl this time?”
“Just a healthy baby, but I think Kelsey wants a little girl since she’s the only female at home now. Too many men.” He laughed, shifting his gaze to Jude, probably wondering if he’d chime in with his own congratulations anytime now.
It was a good question.
“Congratulations,” he said finally after I pinned him with a look. At least he could respond to cues. “While Dare puts on your new tires, do you have plans?”
I started to say no, since I wouldn’t have a vehicle. But I still had that pesky thing called my job to deal with. “I have to go to work.”
He waved a hand. “Can’t that wait?”
I wanted to say, um, no, rich dude. But I played along. “Why?”
“Owen wants more sneakers. He loves his new ones so much. And of course, I have to go to the florist to fix the problem with the flowers. Whatever it is.”
“Just some clerical issue. You can stop by and talk to Mr. Brooks. He’ll return your rush fee.”
He waved that off as if he didn’t care. “And then you can come with us shopping again?”
“I can come to get more sneakers if you need the help.” I heard myself answer and then reminded myself Mr. Brooks needed me, so what the hell was I doing? “I’ll figure out work at the florist,” I added, unsure if I was making the right move.
Dare looked between us as if he was watching a scintillating tennis match. “I’ll just drive your car in then and pick up Gage. I’ll bring him here so he can take the tow truck back. No reason to waste a tow, but I’d feel better just in case the tire has a catastrophic failure.”
“Yes, do that,” Jude snapped, though when I zeroed in on him with my gaze, he inclined his head in silent acknowledgment he was acting like an ass.
Or at least that was what I told myself his gesture meant. “Thank you for your help, Dare.” He cleared his throat. “We really appreciate it.”
“Oh, well, no problem. We’ll get those tires all fixed up and I’ll call you when your car is ready,” he said gently to me, but Jude held up a hand with a black credit card tucked discreetly inside.
“Use that for the bill.”
Dare took his card and went back to the truck to do some swiping thing on a portable machine before he returned the card to Jude. “I’ll call,” he said again before tipping his ball cap at me and returning to his truck.
“Let’s go.” Jude gestured to his car. “After you,” he said, sweeping open the passenger door.
With a lengthy look, I slipped past him and slid inside, glancing up at him while I snapped on my belt. His position—him looming above me—made my heartbeat race and my throat tighten—along with some definite tingling and tightening in other sexually charged parts of me.
“Where’s Owen?” I asked suddenly, my last hope of keeping proper distance from this man.
“He’s home with my admin. We’ll pick him up and head to the—” His phone went off in the inside pocket of his jacket and he whipped it out with a frustrated breath. “Caro, we’re on the way. What? How high?” His jaw worked before he closed his eyes. “Give me a few minutes.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked after he circled the hood and dropped into the driver’s seat.