Page 61 of Taming the Boss
“I want more with lights,” he reminded his father before looking to me for confirmation that a second pair like that was still on the agenda.
“You got it, buddy. I’m sure we can find you another pair like that. There were a few different kinds in the store when we went.”
“Then fireworks,” Owen said into the now strained silence. “Online?”
“Oh, yeah, I gotta show you some online. Actual fireworks aren’t until tomorrow,” I told him softly as I scooped the now scrambled eggs onto a plate and began peeling off strips of bacon to put in the other sizzling frying pan.
“Oh.” He returned to his cereal, shoveling it into his mouth as if he hadn’t eaten in days.
“Are you staying for breakfast?” I asked Laken. “Should I set out another place setting?”
“Oh, no, I can’t. Thanks for asking, though. I just wanted to see how things were going, and clearly, they’re fine.”
“Better than fine,” Jude said smoothly. “Though next time you want to stop by, call first, would you? Just in case we’re out.”
I didn’t hear her response as they walked down the hall, but I couldn’t help smiling to myself. She’d wanted to make sure I was in my place, but instead, Jude had put her in hers.
Chapter 15
Maddie kept up an endless stream of chatter during breakfast and then she headed off to her room, and said she’d be back in a little while so we could go get Owen’s second set of sneakers. I made some calls and then I took out some paperwork to look over while Owen curled up on the couch to watch that Bubble Guppies show Maddie had gotten him hooked on.
His occasional laughter now and then settled me immeasurably.
Soon enough, I got lost in the stacks of property paperwork I had to review and sign.
Time passed until Owen came in, dragging his throw and his giraffe and asked for lunch.
Lunch? Hadn’t we just had breakfast?
I looked at the wall clock and saw it was now mid-afternoon. And no Maddie.
The doorbell rang before I could check on her.
I answered it impatiently. Today had been like a damn turnstile at the door. I hoped every day wouldn’t be like that. Damn small towns. I’d never lived in one before, so I didn’t have any experience with the equivalent of a welcome wagon.
I opened the door to Dare wearing a bright smile and dangling keys that I recognized as Maddie’s. “I had some time so thought I’d bring by Maddie’s Honda. All fixed. Sorry it took so long. It’s been a hell of a week.”
I agreed on that score. “Oh, great. Thank you. Wow, that’s some service, delivering it.”
“We do what we can here in the village. I know you’re new in town, so thought I’d make an extra effort since the repairs took longer than I expected. Is she here? Or should I have gone to her home?”
“Hi, Dare.” Maddie emerged from behind me, her cheek clearly creased maybe from sleep and her eyes heavy as if she’d been taking a nap. She reached out to snatch her keys from Dare. “Oh, finally. Now I can go home and get some more clothes.”
At the narrowed-eyed look he gave her, she scrubbed a hand over her mouth. “I’m still half asleep. Where’s Owen?”
“He was in the kitchen looking for lunch. I didn’t realize how much time had passed. It never occurred to me you’d be back in bed.”
“Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night. Or all week.” She let out a giggle and then she looked from me to Dare. He was watching Maddie and I in an awkward way that made me want to put distance between us so he didn’t get the wrong idea.
Or the very right idea.
One that would probably cause him to brand me as some kind of pervert, judging from the clearly paternal way he was looking at Maddie. And that she needed clothes. I hadn’t planned on anything happening the way it had.
I’d wanted a live-in nanny, yes, but I was fundamentally a planner in every way. Somehow, all of that had flown out the window when it came to Maddie.
She’d fallen silent to chew on her thumbnail while Dare stared me down as if he was weighing his options in a manner that might involve physical violence.
“Does your brother the cop know you’re here?” Dare asked in a pointed manner that made me consider shutting the door in his face and locking it.