Page 81 of Taming the Boss
And then, “The puzzle was fun.”
After a bit more of that, Melissa rose and brushed off her legs as the clear sound of fireworks nearby sounded outside the house. “It’s the Fourth, so I’m sure you guys have some plans. Fireworks?”
Owen clapped his hands, again seeking out Maddie. “Baddie, fireworks!”
“You got it, kiddo. We’d better get going soon so we don’t miss all of them.”
“Thanks for this.” Melissa gestured to where the three of us were still sitting, waiting for her cues. “I’ll head out. Hope you have fun. Have fun, my smart little man.” She swallowed hard and stared at me. “If you need anything, Jude, I left my number in the voicemails. Otherwise…” She trailed off.
Then she took a long breath, giving us a halfhearted wave when Owen just continued sucking on his thumb as she walked out, the door slamming shut behind her.
Maddie and I looked at each other, and I swore it seemed like we simultaneously forced out a deep breath. “You ready for fireworks, buddy?”
He nodded vigorously but instead of leaping off my lap, he wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. Then he did the same thing to Maddie. “We go now?”
“Yeah, we go now. Just let me find that new rain slicker we got you today, because there’s a threat of showers later.” Maddie got to her feet and Owen attached himself to her legs, walking almost as one with her as Maddie laughed and headed upstairs.
Maddie looked back at me as they passed the bend in the stairs and she pursed her lips in a way that seemed like a kiss.
Had she blown me a kiss?
I shut my eyes and took another long breath. I’d still inform my lawyer about everything that had happened tonight, but it seemed as if maybe the threat had passed.
And it felt as if Maddie had been the biggest part of the reason I still had my son.
Chapter 22
I was still unsettled and shaky over what had happened with Melissa as Jude drove us to the village, only to find we were way behind the 8-ball on arriving for the festivities.
The parking situation was…not good. Crescent Covites took their holidays very seriously, and if the townsfolk were supposed to show up to prove their support, they absolutely did. The streets were completely crammed with cars and families and couples roamed the sidewalks, laughing and waving glow sticks.
“Baddie, what’s that? Glows?”
“What those kids are waving around?”
“Those are glow sticks, buddy. They’re for sale in some of the tents. Soon as we find a place to park, we’ll get you one, promise.”
Owen let out a loud, impatient sigh. He was clearly Jude’s son, all right.
“No way. I’ll leave you two off and find somewhere to park even if it’s a mile away. And it just might be,” Jude said with a laugh, reaching over to rub my knee. “No reason for all of us to be stuck in the car on such a nice night. Hoping the rain isn’t a factor tonight.”
“Me too. Are you sure? We don’t mind staying with you until we find a spot. Actually, I have an idea.” I sat up straighter. “Duh, not sure why I didn’t think of it sooner. Brooks’ Greenery has a lot in back and he lets locals park there on nights the shop is closed if they have a pass and they manage to find a place.” I whipped out my pass from my purse and flashed it to him. “Can just leave it on your dashboard.”
“Oh, you’re just a lifesaver in every possible way, aren’t you?” Jude cupped my knee and the warmth from his touch spread up my thigh and kept going. “My lucky charm.” Jude flipped on his signal and aimed down a side street, quickly heading toward the street behind the florist. The lot looked mostly full, but he signaled into it and swerved down the aisle on the far left, smoothly slipping into the last slot. Then he turned his grin on me and plucked my laminated pass out of my fingers to toss it on the dashboard. “Lucky us.”
“Yay, Baddie,” Owen said, bouncing his feet up and down. I was pretty sure I’d be stuck carrying the slicker because the radar had no rain in sight and it was a humid night.
Jude hustled around the car to open my door. I slipped out, but before I could take a step, he hauled Owen out of his car seat and set him on his hip, though he immediately protested and wanted to get down.
And apparently, run ahead of us across the lot toward Main Street, where all the action was.
“Hey, slugger, wait up.” I hurried after him and I assumed Jude was right behind me, but when I looked back, he was facing the building on the other side of us.
Hamilton Realty, of all things.