Page 91 of Taming the Boss
This Friday night, we were having many people over at one time, and I was exhausted. I’d made a couple trays of harvest cupcakes that were hidden in the butler’s pantry because I had a pair of sweet tooths in this house. I tried a new casserole recipe that I was not entirely sure would feed our horde. Hopefully the couple of rotisserie chickens I’d picked up would fill the gaps—oh, and couldn’t forget the handful of pregnancy tests I’d picked up at the same time.
I’d made a very careful list, after all.
I was rushing about trying to ensure no one would starve when Jude came in all suited up, looking like pure sex, fresh from a high stakes meeting with Gavin and Xavier about some property that they were leveraging mega moolah on to put in an offer.
But he still came in the kitchen, following his nose to what smelled so damn good—my cooling peanut butter and chocolate chip cupcakes, as well as a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the fussier children that would be in attendance. Of course, he immediately spotted my bag of pregnancy tests tossed on one of the stools.
He turned to look at me with such unabashed glee that if I’d had the power to immediately produce a baby right there for him before dinner, I would’ve done it. Even with Owen eating batter off the mixer’s paddle where he was sitting cross-legged on the rooster rug I’d bought on a whim after purchasing said tests.
“Really? Really?” Jude asked.
“I haven’t taken them yet, so no. Owen, you have frosting all over your face, and people will be here soon.”
His father swooped him up off the floor and kissed both of his frosting-spattered cheeks, making Owen giggle wildly. And then he put his frosting-covered hands on his father’s suit, laughing as if it was the greatest game ever.
Since Jude was still grinning, little boy chocolate handprints aside, I had to assume it was. And then he moved over to me and he started to hug and kiss me too while he still held onto Owen, and then we were all covered in frosting and kisses.
All of us were laughing like fools, Jude included.
Then the rarely used back door opened and two very good-looking men walked through as if knocking was an option. One looked as if he’d just walked out of an ad for Ralph Lauren complete with windswept blond hair and trim, navy slacks paired with a—goodness, was that a cashmere sweater? It was a perfect sky blue that matched his eyes, pushed up at his forearms to show off tanned skin. The other man wore black on black in a crisp suit that was obviously tailored to his tall, athletic build.
Both were wearing matching expressions of incredulity at Jude’s current state covered in frosting and yet still kissing his son and me. The kisses were aimed in every direction at once, and Owen and I just stood there and let him do as he would.
It was hard to even consider diverting that much joy.
“Who are you and what the hell happened to our friend Jude?” the blond man asked.
“Don’t mind this one and his complete lack of manners.” The dark-haired man raised one eyebrow as he leaned against the kitchen island with an easy smile. Green eyes with attractive crinkles at the corners were steady and kind. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Maddie.”
At a loss, I hiked Owen onto my hip. “I’ve heard some stories of my own.”
The blond man’s gaze darted all around the kitchen and attached dining room. “And yet you still don’t invite us to your very impressive abode. We had no choice but to crash the party.” Finally, he focused back on us. “He kept telling us he was too busy to host us.”
“We’ve been wrapped up in quite a few family functions,” I said as I swapped Owen to my other hip. The peanut of a little boy I’d met that first day was definitely growing by the day.
“Embarrassed by us, J?” the blond guy asked. “Here we were basically your first known family in town. Friend families count too. You even got to meet my sister, Luna, back in the day.”
I had to laugh. “A sister? We’re going to start having to rent halls to have family dinners.”
“Especially since Jude figured out how to use his di?—”
“You need to shut up.” The dark-haired one shoved the blond man to the other side of the island. “I’m Gavin. Since our partner can’t wipe that smug smile off his face long enough to introduce us.”
“Rudely keeping the lovely Maddie all to yourself. For shame.” The blond guy gave me a dazzling smile, and then he snaked a hand out to the cooling rack of cookies. “I’m Xavier, by the way. The attractive and charming one.” He waggled his eyebrows before he took a big bite of a cookie.
“Those aren’t cool yet,” I warned but it was too late, and I couldn’t stifle a giggle at his surprised face.
“Milk?” Xavier asked as he tried to breathe through his obvious discomfort.
Jude rolled his eyes and went to the fridge, coming back with a tall glass that he pushed toward Xavier.
Xavier took a gulp and sighed as he finished chewing. “Those are excellent cookies.”
“Thank you.” I swayed with Owen automatically, his bright smile now hidden in my neck. “It’s nice to finally put faces to names.”
“What the hell are you two doing here?” Jude asked as he curled an arm around my hip to gather us close.
Gavin peered down at the cupcakes. “May I?”