Page 29 of Fierce Protector
He plucked up her phone that rested in her lap, making it a point to brush his knuckles across her thigh. Then he punched in his phone number and handed the phone back.
Her jaw dropped.
Before she could give him a tongue lashing, he pressed a fingertip to her chin and gently closed her mouth. Then he climbed out of the truck. “Call my phone right now and walk me through your house.”
“Why can’t I just go inside!”
“Because you haven’t quit yawning since we pulled out of the hospital parking lot. If we go inside, you’ll crawl into bed. You’re coming with me to the ranch.”
He slammed the door and circled to the passenger window. He rapped on it, and she snapped her head around to glare at him.
“Lock the door!”
She gave him the finger—again. But he heard the click of the locks.
Shaking his head and chuckling to himself, he walked up to the front of her house. Aware of all the places a person could hide, he made note of how sturdy the deadbolt on her door was.
She still hadn’t called his phone. In the open doorway, he pivoted to look at her.
A second later, his phone buzzed and he placed it on speaker.
“Could you be any bossier?” she demanded.
“Now that’s a tone I haven’t heard from you before. In my presence you’ve either been moaning my name or Miss Polite.”
She issued a strangled cry. He could almost imagine her golden-brown eyes sparking with anger the same way they sparked with desire when he ducked his head and took one of her nipples in his mouth.
“Are the doors still locked?”
“Good. Now walk me through your house while I make a sweep of the place.”
“Make a sweep? What for?”
“You were attacked, Demi. Anyone could be looking to come back and finish the job.”
She sucked in an audible breath.
He left the door open and started through the tidy mudroom, taking in a variety of outerwear for every type of weather hanging on one wall. Underneath it was a row of footwear to match. Slicker and rainboots. Down puffer jacket and snow boots.
He moved into the living room, checked behind furniture and secured every window lock.
“Go into my bedroom. You were in there before.”
A flame of desire flickered in his groin. “Yes, I was,” he drawled.
“Stop that,” she snapped.
He laughed.
“You can’t see me but I’m flipping you off right now.”
His grin spread.
“Are you sure I can’t just come in and get what I need? It would be so much easier.”
Her last word came out muffled, like she was stifling a yawn.