Page 60 of Fierce Protector
Ross went on, “There’s a company that’s been looking into the Gracey.”
Webb’s glare darkened. His brows snapped together like lightning bolts. “What kind of company?”
“From what we can tell it’s a shell corporation. It only exists on paper. Usually companies like this are built to hide illegal activities like money laundering or selling drugs.”
“Damn.” Ledger gripped his weapon harder.
“We also discovered that the company is owned by Eli Feldman, the investor. There’s something else too. Remember that planning firm?”
“Yes.” Colton stared at the device in his hand.
“We got hold of the plans. It’s for a big resort in Montana. I’m shooting you the link now.”
Colton swiped his thumb over the screen. The link took them to a site plan of the resort.
Webb leaned in to get a closer look. “Fucking hell. The resort’s taking up some of our land, some of the Davidsons’ ranch…and the Springvale.”
Panic stabbed Ledger. “Fuck! Demi’s over there right now.”
Colton jerked his head around to pierce Ledger in his gaze. “What?”
His muscles locked. “Mr. Vale called about a horse when Webb came to find me. Demi’s probably already there!”
A hand came down on his arm. “Call her.”
But he didn’t have to. His phone vibrated. With dread pulsing in his veins in time with his heart, he whipped it up to his ear. “Demi?”
“What’s wrong? What happened!”
“The ranger’s dad…Mr. Vale…”
“What the hell happened, baby?”
“He was murdered!” Her harried whisper had an added tremor.
He gripped the phone so tight he felt his knuckles pop.
“You’re sure? Could it be an accident?”
“No. Not an accident.”
“You’re sure?” Webb insisted.
“I’m positive. Unless an ax fell into his back.”
Ledger took off in a dead run, weapon in hand. He reached the truck with Webb, who jumped in the passenger seat. He thrust his weapon into his friend’s hand and cranked the ignition.
“Demi, stay on the line with me. Are you still on the line?”
“Yes. I’m in my car. With the doors locked.”
“Good. Hunker down. Stay out of sight.”
“I am. I’m protecting our b-baby!”
A lump lodged in Ledger’s throat, blocking off the roar that threatened to erupt.