Page 9 of Run, Rabbit, Run
Against her better judgment, she was still intent on believing that somebody was coming to rescue her. She knew that the first 48 hours after being kidnapped were the most critical. Unfortunately, that window was closing quickly.
He had taken her the previous morning. That meant there was a little less than a day left at best. Bunny hadn’t seen any clocks and there were no windows, leaving her disoriented.
Demetrius reached under her arm and moved upward to wrap around the front of her throat. She felt his warm breath tickle her ear, sending sparks up her spine. “Stand up.”
Without hesitation, she leaped from his lap, stumbling slightly from the headrush. Her blood had pooled between her legs, leaving her dizzy with unwanted desire.
Demetrius stood, uncomfortably close, and ran a hand across the small of her back as he sidestepped around her. He then moved to the recessed shelving. Bunny watched him wearily while he rooted around one of the drawers, pulling out two long leather straps. They looked like collars, with silver buckles on the ends and large rings down their lengths.
Demetrius turned, inky eyes boring into hers. She felt another flush reddening her face and her eyes dove to the side, desperate to look anywhere but his face.
Without a word, he walked to her and knelt at her feet, and Bunny found a new opportunity to prod him.
“The next time you’re on your knees will also be because of me,” She snarled, teeth flashing as her face twisted with anger, “Because I’m going to ensure my testimony sends you to prison for the rest of your life.” Bunny was taking chances, her anger getting the best of her.
His smile was wicked. “No, Bunny. The next time I’m on my knees will be because I’m burying my face in that gorgeous pussy while you scream and beg.”
She sneered in response.
Demetrius wrapped the straps around her thighs and buckled them securely. He then stood, reaching a hand out to pinch her chin once more between his pointer finger and thumb.
“Little Bunny, you’re never getting out of here. You are mine. I own your body, and when I’m finished, I’ll have your mind, too. You’re going to be addicted to the way I fuck you.”
He was full of shit. She would never submit to him. Bunny’s mind had always been her own, even when it was the only thing she had. She wouldn’t give that up to anybody.
Demetrius looped a finger through the ring at the front of her collar, pulling her toward the bed. Another sign he’s a veritable psycho, she thought grimly, Who the hell places a bed like that? It wasn’t touching any of the walls.
Despite her desperation to ignore it and think of anything else, her pussy still strummed with an unbearable yearning for release.
Demetrius opened a drawer on the bedside table and pulled out a vibrator and dildo. He threw them on the bed, a pair of leather wristbands following shortly. Then, he crawled to the center and slid back, leaning slightly against the velvet headboard.
“Come here, Bunny. Lay on your back on top of me.” He purred, a smirk growing.
She did as she was told, laying on her back, her legs between his, back pressed once more into his muscular chest. Her heart was pounding steadily, skipping beats now and again. The disconnect between her body and mind left an inner war waging, and Bunny couldn’t help but feel her mind was losing.
He pulled her arms up to her chest, wrapping the bands around her wrists and buckling them. They had clips hanging off of them that she noticed with growing concern. Demetrius then pulled her hands to rest on either side of her and clipped her wrists to the straps around her thighs. The black leather stood out starkly against her milky skin.
Her mind gained ground in the war as she realized with horror that she had lost control of a set of extremities. There would be no fighting back with her hands.
Demetrius brought his hands to her breasts, rubbing and massaging her nipples until she began writhing, straining against the explosive pleasure sending shockwaves through her stomach, and into her center.
“That’s it, Bunny. Let go. I know you want this, even if you’re stubborn.”
She gritted her teeth, concentrating on staying still, furious with herself for betraying her body’s involuntary reactions to his touch.
Demetrius stopped, reaching over for the vibrator, and lifted his legs so that they lay over the tops of hers. He used his heels to pry her legs apart. She tried to snap them together on instinct only to find that they were firmly pinned in place.
Her kidnapper had muscles of steel even compared to her relatively high lower body strength. She was now truly helpless and bared to him completely. A familiar buzz sounded next to her ear and Bunny sucked in a sharp breath.
A thought bloomed. How often had she dreamed of forced orgasms given mercilessly by a gentle yet ruthless man? She railed against it. At one point, she had wanted that. But not like this.
In the next moment, the vibrator was placed firmly against her clit, and she felt a rise of sensation that sent her reeling. It was on a blessedly low setting that allowed her to resist moving even as he began tapping it up and down, obviously trying to elicit a reaction.
“The first rule is that you are never to come without my permission. Your pleasure is mine to give and take as I please, Bunny. You don’t get to decide when you finish anymore,” He whispered before pulling her earlobe between his teeth, stopping to say, “But we’ll see how long you last. I think you’re going to break.”
“As though I’d ever give you that satisfaction.” She spat, but her confidence was a facade. Bunny had always been sensitive and capable of multiple back-to-back orgasms. When she touched herself, she could reach her climax within seconds. She hadn’t ever exercised self-control over her pleasure..
Now, she desperately wished she had tried edging… but it wasn’t like she was planning on being kidnapped by a sexual deviant with sinister intentions, and she had never understood why you’d deny yourself the peak of pleasure when it was so accessible. Stamina was never something she concerned herself with.