Page 57 of Scorched Hearts
The rest of the company sipped on their wine, enjoying the last rays of the evening sun. Maya sat quietly observing her friends for a while, delighting in the sight of them all sitting in her garden enjoying Elle’s cooking and each other’s company. She didn’t even have to participate in the conversation to feel its warmth, to feel included. She knew she could join in any time, and they’d welcome her gladly.
“Maya, what do you think of the new department director?” Fleur turned to her.
“Who, the young guy?” Maya studied Fleur’s face, sensing something interesting. “I don’t know, I think it was a strange choice to make him the director, but I suppose he’s charismatic.”
“Fleur likes him,” Haley said from her corner of the table. “A lot.”
“Oh?” Maya laughed. “Really?”
Everyone’s attention turned to them, hungry for light-hearted gossip.
“Well,” Fleur got flustered, “as long as it wouldn’t be unprofessional…”
“I mean,” Hallie raised her eyebrows, “I’m not the one to judge, but I think you’re fine.”
And with that, the chicken finally arrived, carried by Kaia. Behind her walked Elle, carrying the sides. Salads and fingerling potatoes. Everything was beautifully fragrant, filling the air with a promise of nourishing food. The little ah’s and oh‘s of approval were honey to the hosts’ ears.
“You two are spoiling us.” O’Malley shook her head,.
“Only the best for the best.” Maya winked at her, more than ready to dive into the food.
The chicken was quickly divided, and Elle watched in awe as everyone devoured her food. Soon, the platters stood empty and the little plates were busy with forks and knives dancing around, from time to time screeching, causing the guests to giggle here and there.
“Elle, this is magnificent,” Hallie raised her head from her plate, her eyes wide in wonder.
“Thanks. It’s quite a simple recipe,” Elle said humbly, even though she didn’t feel humble at all. She felt proud and satisfied to be able to be able to feed her friends so well, and in some corner of her heart, she knew that she’d make her mother proud, too.
When the knives and forks had finally been laid down, the time for serious and deep conversations began, as with most dinner parties. When the minds were relaxed by the wine, or in other cases the social atmosphere of openness and love, the topics one wishes to only discuss with close friends began to emerge. Everyone sat back in their chairs, taking in the sweet air of the late spring evening.
“I’ve been meaning to ask for so long,” Hallie said to Elle, and everyone listened in. “When are you planning to go back to full service at the station? We miss you.” She looked around for confirmation in the other firefighters’ faces.
“Yeah, she’s right. We’ve been asking this ourselves a lot,” Haley added.
Elle smiled, always honored to be in the thoughts of her friends, knowing she couldn’t avoid the subject for long anymore. She reached for Maya’s hand under the table. They’d been discussing this with each other for a long time, and now the moment had finally come to tell their friends.
“I’m not going to be back at the station,” Elle said in a serious tone. “I’ll take care of talent management part time. I would like to spend time raising our daughter now, especially because Maya’s job is already so demanding.”
The news created a large stir around the table, their friends looked at each other surprised. Elle knew the decision would be controversial, but she felt good about it and wouldn’t have any problems explaining her point of view. Maya tightened her grasp on Elle’s hand, wanting to show her support.
“Are you sure?” Hallie asked, raising her eyebrows “You’re a great firefighter, and having fully recovered, too… We could use your skills, and you can work only two days a week, anyway.”
“I’m sure. I want to commit my time to Alex, and because of the injury and me not working there for a long time anyway, it doesn’t feel like a big loss. I’ll still be friends with you, just as we are now, but I feel that a new chapter of my life is opening, and I want to welcome it accordingly.”
“I think that’s a very responsible decision.” Fleur nodded, smiling at Elle. “I’m sure you’ll be a great mom.”
“Thank you, Fleur.” Elle smiled at her in response. Being told she’d make a great mother stirred something tender deep inside of her. It was an intense compliment for her to receive.
“I don’t know.” Hallie looked unconvinced. “You can be a great parent and not sacrifice your career. And don’t you want your daughter to grow up with this message?”
Elle took the time to ponder the question. “I think she’ll see that when it comes to Maya. But I also want her to know that it’s okay to make family life a priority. These things are equally important. Besides, it’s not a question of me leaving – rather reentering. Perhaps it’s a sign that my time as an active firefighter was meant to end.”
“I’d have never expected that.” O’Malley shook her head, “Definitely not from you. But if that’s what you feel is the next step for you, then I wish you good luck and will always be there to support you two.” She looked at Elle then Maya, smiling.
“People change.” Elle turned to face Maya and winked. “They really do.”
“Well, just don’t let Maya overwork herself, hmm?” Fleur added, reaching out to touch Maya’s shoulder.
“Oh, we’ll make sure she doesn’t,” Elle said. “We’ve been thinking of going on a long trip once our baby is past her first birthday.”