Page 121 of Unexpected Hero
My life will return to normal. I’ll focus on work, using the club for stress relief when time permits — only when she’s not working. Eventually, things at Redleg will steady, and I’ll bring her together with her father.
It’s perfect.
Mission success. The road was bumpy at first, but I pushed through and forged a clear path.
Once the plan falls the rest of the way into place, everyone will be happy.
Everyone but me.
Chapter 23
Nice night for a swim
My second night on the job was a success, if I do say so myself.
I strolled to the bathroom twice, sashaying through the main room of the club without wanting to cover my eyes or giggle like a twelve-year-old at the vast display of naked flesh.
And for bonus points, I didn’t spend my break hiding in a bathroom stall hyperventilating into a paper bag.
See? Total success.
I’m a half step away from kink master status.
Side note: I’m unsure if that’s a real thing.
Like the champion best friend she is, Stella made me promise to text her once when I finish working and again when I’m safe at the hotel. As soon as I’m in my car with the doors locked, I send her the first message and put my phone on the charger.
While pulling out of the club parking lot, I wave to Tim. He’s standing at the edge of the parking lot, ensuring everybody gets to their cars safely. Seems like a nice guy.
Once on the road, I turn up the radio and belt out song after song like I’m performing a private concert for my steering wheel. As it always does when I’m driving, my mind wanders. Try as I may to stop them, thoughts of James invade my psyche, bringing a fresh bite of humiliation.
I practically threw myself at him. And he was humoring me. Too nice to tell me he wasn’t really interested in dating a naive country girl like me. Instead, he invented that cockamamie story about not being able to date coworkers. Did he think I wouldn’t find out? For a smart guy, that was an idiotic move.
But it’s like Stella always says — assholes don’t think, they stink.
My eyes continuously scan the mirrors as I cruise along. It takes a moment before it dawns on me that I’m looking for that annoying handsome shithead, expecting him to be following me home like last night.
Could I be more pathetic?
As I pull into the hotel parking lot, I glance around more than I normally do, looking between the cars and in the tree line. My heart rate picks up, and my breathing grows choppy.
Am I hoping to see him, or am I scared of what goes bump in the night?
Either way, damn him for causing the paranoia.
All that talk about my safety and this being a sketchy neighborhood is plain ol’ messing with my head. By the time I exit the car, I’m a hairsbreadth from jumping out of my skin with nerves. The pain of my healing toes barely registers over the panic assaulting me with each step toward my room.
About halfway to my room, it dawns on me that I left my phone on the charger. Argh. I spin on my heel to hustle back for it, but when I do, a glimpse of dark gray darts from the corner of my field of vision. In the shape of a person. I think.
Chills dance along my spine, and gooseflesh peppers my skin.
Ignoring my jackhammering heartbeat, I slink back toward my car. Not wanting to fumble for my keys in the dark parking lot, I stop with my back to the side of the hotel and fetch them from my purse.
Something isn’t right. I feel like I’m being watched.