Page 152 of Unexpected Hero
Even Leo laughs at that one.
A few minutes later, I pay the tab, leaving a generous tip for Sammy. I ignore the grumbles of protests from the peanut gallery and exit in a hurry.
Despite the amusing distraction provided by my friends, I need to get to Bask.
Freya’s right — Lettie deserves to know how I feel.
I’ll apologize for lying to her about the no-dating rule and do everything I can to convince her I never saw her as a charity case. Hell, I’ll offer to cancel the rope demo if it upsets her. In fact, I should cancel it anyhow.
As I race across town, it dawns on me that I’m not only going to the club for Lettie tonight.
I’m also going for me.
For us.
Chapter 30
Take me home, country roads
Iblink four times, narrowly resisting the urge to rub my eyes. Surely, I can’t be seeing what I think I’m seeing.
This can’t be real. There’s no frigging way James is here.
He’s not standing on the other side of the lobby, waiting to be checked into the club. I reject this reality and banish it.
Be gone, hallucinations!
I need it to be make-believe because I cannot handle this shit tonight. Especially not a few hours after I had an honest-to-goodness panic attack. One brought about by the mere idea of witnessing him with another woman.
I thought I’d have several days to prepare before I would have to endure it. But nooo.
Is a little good luck too much to ask for? What about a paper bag to breathe into when my lungs decide to close again?
Lord, it’s me, Lettie. I know it’s been a hot minute, and you might be upset about the whole fingerbang thing I did with that man over there. And all the cussin’ and masturbating too. Oh and the porn. My bad on all that. Anyhoo, could you please send down a lightning bolt to strike the club now so we lose power and everyone has to go home before I’m forced to watch him get freaky with another woman? That’d be cool.
I wait three solid seconds. No lightning bolt.
Dammit. It was worth a shot.
Whatever drove him to call me earlier must have sent him here when I didn’t answer. But what did he expect? It was a phone call. Plus, it was him. I wasn’t ready to talk. I need time to prepare.
Time I’m not gonna get, apparently.
Wait. What am I thinking? He’s not here for me. I’ve lost it. Gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
He was probably just calling earlier to see if I was working before he came in to have a little fun with… whoever he intends to top tonight. More than likely, he was hoping I was off to avoid making it awkward. I didn’t answer, so he took a chance I’d be off.
Too bad I’m not.
With my heart in my throat and lungs frozen, I shift my focus to the couple in front of me. They’re patiently waiting for me to clear them to enter Bask.
My eyes quickly scan them, sweeping from head to toe. The woman is drop-dead gorgeous. She’s a petite Asian woman with sleek black hair. Her nails, makeup, jewelry, and clothing are impeccable. She reeks of money. The Caucasian man with her, on the other hand, is a disheveled mess. Baggy work jeans, a scruffy beard, and an old Pearl Jam T-shirt. He’s wearing construction boots and smells of sawdust. They have got to be the most mismatched couple I’ve ever seen.
And that’s why I love this place. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. Everyone is welcome here.
After a cleansing breath, I check their credentials and go through my little spiel.James waits his turn patiently in the corner of the lobby. But I feel his eyes on me.