Page 166 of Unexpected Hero
Before we slip it on, he engulfs my other hand with his and guides my movements, wrapping our combined hands around his hard cock. Together, we stroke his length up and down in long, firm tugs. Keeping his hand over mine, he controls the pace and the force of the motion.
He’s teaching me how to jack him off without telling me what he’s doing or mocking me for my inexperience. Considering my failure to grab his dick thus far, he must realize I have no clue what I’m doing.
Fuck that’s hot.
Not only our hands moving over him but also the way he’s being so kind to me. I must be the luckiest girl in the world to have him for my first time.
In high school, I had enough sexually active friends to know that most girls aren’t so blessed with their first lovers. Until my senior year, none of my girlfriends had a guy go down on her. Even friends who weren’t saddled with religious guilt like Stella and me — the ones who were free with their bodies — didn’t ever talk about that. And believe me, they flapped their jaws enough to tell me every other damn thing their boyfriends did to them. That includes anal, which Ginny Rodgers thought didn’t count as sex. Idiot.
A groan rumbles from his chest, drawing my mental focus back to the way we’re stroking his cock.Unable to look away, my eyes stay locked on the movement until he hisses through his teeth, finally stealing my gaze away from his rather impressive dick. And since I’ve now seen porn — high five to me — I can say so without a doubt.
Oh damn. Does that mean it’s going to hurt worse?
Only one way to find out.
His intense stare burns my skin, practically devouring me as his eyes sweep over my face down to my chest. It’s only then I remember I’m fully exposed to him, without anything to hide me from his scrutiny. My skirt is the only scrap of clothing that remains, but it’s all bunched up around my waist.
Before I clam up with fear, he takes my other hand and wraps his fingers over mine like before. Together, we roll on the condom.
Another first for his little book. Hand to Bible, I’ll eagerly give this man all my firsts.My seconds, thirds, and hundredths too.
A twinge of guilt pricks at my chest, and for a split second, I wonder if I should tell him I’m a virgin.
But I quickly decide against it out of fear that he’ll refuse to have sex with me. No clue why he would do that or if he would, but my fears aren’t always logical.Besides, it’s my secret to tell or to keep.It’ll be irrelevant after a few more seconds.
Back between my thighs, he lowers his body to mine, letting some of his weight rest atop me. As much as I adore the feel of his frame aligned with mine, it’s becoming clear that my time as a virgin is about to expire.
My breath hitches, and a tremble of unease rocks through me.
Afraid he’ll see the panic I’m struggling to hide, I grasp his cheeks and kiss him. To my relief, the kiss redirects his attention from my face and quickly soothes my mounting anxiety. Soon enough, I’m wrapped up in him and no longer stuck in my head or riddled with self-doubt.
This time, when my breathing picks up, it’s not because I’m scared, but because I’m desperate for him to get on with it.
Speaking of which, what’s taking him so long?
I pull back to meet his eyes, hoping I can silently communicate how badly I want him inside me without talking. For one, what are words when your body is on fire like this? And for two, he told me not to boss him around. So my begging eyes are my only weapon.
“Getting impatient, Lettie baby?” he taunts.
This fucker.
He read my begging eyes loud and clear.
“Yes,” I whine with a huff.
“Is that how you ask? Where are those Southern manners?”
Again, this fucker.
“Please, what?”
Yet again, this motherfucking fucker.
I know what he wants me to say, but he has no idea how hard it’ll be to get these words out. My cheeks are flaming Cheetos level hot.
“Please get inside me.” When he doesn’t respond or make a move, I add a whimper and pout for good measure.