Page 219 of Unexpected Hero
By the time I’m done, I’m short of breath. My heart races, and tremors wrack my entire body.
His lips mash together, and he tugs in a big breath through his nose, making his nostrils flare.
I’d intended to approach this topic with a calm, rational discussion. But in true Lettie fashion, my impulsivity got the best of me. Nonetheless, I essentially got out what I needed to say.
After an impossibly long standoff, he slides off the couch onto his knees. Holding my stare, he closes the space between us until he’s in front of my shins.
This man is kneeling before me.
What is this madness?
He’s a Dom. And he’s kneeling.
I’ve worked at the club long enough to know that Doms aren’t usually the ones on their knees. And this particular Dom doesn’t kneel unless it involves licking me down yonder or removing my strappy heels.
And yet, he’s on his knees.
For me.
My lungs pump furiously, trying to fill my chest with oxygen. But all the air is held captive by the intense way he’s looking at me.
He reaches for my legs, running his palms along the tops of my thighs. My skin heats, and not only where his hands are. Warmth shoots from my core in all directions.
Unable to resist touching him in return, my hands move of their own accord and rest on top of his.He bends down to place a soft kiss on my knuckles.
I remain silent, partially because I’ve been struck mute. Plus, the ball is in his court.
He doesn’t make me wait long, and when he speaks, his voice is simultaneously honey-coated and dark as night. “You are so much more than someone I fuck. And girlfriend doesn’t do justice to how I feel about you. You mean the world to me. I am nothing without you.”
“Babe,” I whisper, heart pounding wildly.
After licking his lips, he shakes his head subtly to cut me off. “Didn’t think where I worked mattered. It’s just a security company. I do the IT shit. If there are things I don’t talk about, it’s because all my focus is on you. You occupy almost all my thoughts. There is only one woman for me. Only one woman I can’t live without. And she’s the only woman I’d get down on my knees for. Are you clear on who that is?”
My lips part as I struggle to get air.
His eyes bounce to my mouth for a moment, then quickly pivot back to my eyes. “Just in case I ever made you doubt it, let me be crystal clear. There is no one else I need, want, or could even stomach being with than you. Not anyone at the club. Not a supermodel. Not Mia. Not the fucking Queen. Are you getting that yet, sugar bear? You’re my girl. And I’m your man.”
My mouth does that dumb thing where it opens to let my runaway tongue loose. “The Queen died. That’s a bit insensitive.”
The deep lines of tension on his face soften, letting a smile slip into place. I love his smile. “She wasn’t the only queen in the world, Lettie baby.” His palms resume stroking my thighs, sliding up and sneaking under my skirt. “In fact, there’s one on my couch right now.”
“Aren’t you above flattery, babe?” I quip, letting my insecurities fade.
“When it comes to you, there’s nothing I won’t do.”
I roll my eyes so hard I could bowl a strike with them.
He slants his head to the side, his hands freezing at the tops of my thighs.“You don’t believe me?”
Unsure how to respond, I shake my head, then nod, confusing us both.
“Thanks, sugar. That cleared it up for me.”
Covering my mouth with my hands, I attempt to quash my chuckle.
Immediate failure.
His laugh mingles with mine, shooting lighter vibes throughout the room. It’s a beautiful tension release after my outburst and his heartfelt confession.