Page 232 of Unexpected Hero
She makes a hissing sound with her raucous inhale and crinkles up her nose.
“Yeah. So now I’m not only worried about a potential unplanned pregnancy, but I’m also trying to decode what he’s telling me with that lovely gesture.”
“What on earth do you think he could be trying to tell you?”
“That he’d never consider having a baby with me. Or he doesn’t see us lasting much longer. Maybe he thinks I’d be a terrible mother or that I’m not wife material.”
“That’s a stupid expression. Never use it again. Women are not rated for marriage aptitude like a damn thread count.”
Her lips flutter with a dramatic exhale. “Now tell me why the hell you think he could have any of those ludicrous thoughts about you?”
My shoulders droop, and my lower lip juts into a pout. “He hasn’t said I love you yet.”
“Have you told him you love him?”
“Yes. A few nights ago. And he had plenty of time to say it back since then.”
“So he didn’t say it back. Yet. Big deal. Not all men are in touch with their feelings. And no offense to James, but he’s the poster child for that affliction.”
My jaw drops, and I shoot an indignant glare at her.
She puts her hands up in front of her, palms out. “I said no offense.” After stifling a chuckle, she continues, “Seriously, though, honey. That man is crazy about you.”
“Then why is he always so secretive? And when I confront him with something I think he’s hiding, he distracts my squirrel brain. What is he hiding from me?”
Her eyes double in size, and she pulls back from me. Her shoulders stoop as if she’s attempting to shrink herself.
“What’s that look for, Freya?”
She mashes her lips together and wobbles her head in tiny, quick shakes. I narrow my eyes at her, leaning closer.
“What look? There’s no look,” she tosses back unconvincingly.
Great. Now Freya’s hiding shit from me too.
Before I can press her further, an errant thought skitters to the top of my mind. James did the distraction thing again the other night when I called him out for not telling me where he works. All he said was security before diverting my focus. What if all those things he said were nothing but a distraction? The kneeling? The I’m nothing without you speech?
Was it all just smoke and mirrors?
Everyone tells me I’m too trusting — including him. Is this more proof of that? Did I give my heart to someone who’s never going to be honest and upfront with me?
“Freya, is he just biding his time until he gets bored of me? Is that why he got me the Plan B? So he would be able to keep his easy exit? Because I-I…”
My words trail off because the thought of him leaving is so abhorrent and painful that I can’t speak.
The truth is, I don’t know what I’d do without James. But I know how I’d feel — like half of my soul was ripped out.
Freya reaches out for me, taking my hand for comfort. “Sweetheart, listen to me. That man is head over heels in love with you.”
“He’s probably already getting bored of me now that the novelty of taking my V-card has worn off. If he loved me, he’d have said it back. He hides things, but he doesn’t lie.”
By the time I’ve gotten my rant out, I’m a blubbering mess of emotions. Freya releases my hand to hand me a napkin from across the counter.
“Lettie, look at you. See yourself how others see you, just for a second. You’re smart, kind, funny, ridiculously talented, and stunningly beautiful — inside and out. How could you ever bore anyone?”
“Looks are one thing, but he needs more.”