Page 24 of Unexpected Hero
A text comes through a second later.
How dare you? We have rules for a reason.
Despite the panic racing through my veins, I chuckle. Trying to be responsible, I ask my phone’s voice assistant to reply. My hands are too shaky to type anyhow.
This is a 911 call
I change lanes and reduce my speed, trying to lengthen the short trip to the coffee shop.
Thankfully, Stella returns my call, and I pick up in a rush without any pleasantries. “Stella! You aren’t going to believe this.”
“Are you okay?”
“Physically, yes. Emotionally? That’s yet to be seen.”
She sighs, hinting at relief or irritation. Probably both. “I’m glad you’re safe. You had me worried. What’s going on? Didn’t get the job?”
“I didn’t get the job, but this isn’t about that. I met a guy. Wait. Strike that. He’s a man. A tall, blond man with gorgeous, intelligent eyes. I’m going out for coffee with him. He’s in his car behind me. I’m freaking out.”
“Lettie, are you fucking kidding me? You broke the cardinal rule of phone etiquette for a middle-of-the-day coffee date? That rule is the bedrock of our friendship. I realize you’re not all that experienced in matters of the heart or vagina, but this seems a bit excessive. Even for you.”
Her words are terse, but her tone is playful. The familiar teasing gives me a speck of comfort, which is precisely why I called her.
Either that, or I called so she’d talk me out of this madness.
“But I just met him at the gas station. I have no idea why I said yes to an insta-date. How stupid is this?”
“Coffee is never stupid. Men on the other hand? Often stupid.”
My heart threatens to revolt, and my palms get sweaty, making my grip on the wheel questionable. “Turning into the coffee shop parking lot now. Am I staying or driving away in haste? I need you to make this decision for me.”
Stella clears her throat. “Haste? Have you been reading Regency Romance again? Gross. I’ve said it a hundred times. People back then didn’t shower enough for it to be sexy. And as for your situation, you’re staying. But give me his license plate number and a physical description before you disconnect. A picture is even better.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s not like that. He seems perfectly safe. I’m just nervous because I don’t do reckless shit like this. But something about him made me feel safe.”
“Oh, you don’t do reckless shit? The hell you say.”
“Excuse me?”
She adds some extra twang to her voice. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t little miss let me pick up and move to another state because I feel like it.”
My shoulders shake with a combination of nervous and justified laughter. “You make a solid point. I’ve been a bit adventurous lately.”
Pulling into an open space, I take a cleansing breath and shift into park.
“Right. So go in there, get the most expensive coffee, make him pay, and find out his credit score and other pertinent facts. Remember that you’re a badass bitch who deserves a good man for a change. If he’s nice enough, perhaps consider touching his ding-a-ling and forking over the key to your chastity belt.”
“Oh my gosh, Stella. Stop. I’m hanging up now. I love you. I’ll call you when I’m done.”
“Text first, or this friendship will be put on probation.”
“Yes, my dear,” I indulge her but roll my eyes.