Page 260 of Unexpected Hero
My bladder is so full. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold it. And then I’ll be lying in my own filth. From the smell of this room, I think others have likely done that.
One of the girls in the corner starts crying, and her chains rattle as she tries to break herself free.
“Shh.” I crane my neck to look at her, hoping to calm her with a reassuring expression. “Please don’t cry, or they’ll come back in here and take you. Just pretend to be asleep. It’s safer for you that way. Shh.”
“I can’t,” she whimpers, but at least her thrashing ceases. “I’m so scared.”
“I am too. But try to stay calm. Don’t make loud noises. Just try.”
She nods at me, her chin quivering. “What do you think they’re going to do to us?”
“I don’t know.”
I have my suspicions, but I won’t tell her. She’s terrified enough as it is. Poor thing looks like she’s barely fifteen, if that.
“Are they going to kill us? Why are we naked?” Her volume increases, her voice morphing from sadness to renewed panic. “Why haven’t they killed us already? I don’t want to die.”
My eyes fill with tears as I shush her again. “Sweetie, please be quiet. I know you’re scared. We all are. But as soon as I get a chance, I’ll get us out of here somehow. I promise. We’ll find a way out. Just be calm for now, okay? I’m right here with you.”
“Do you promise you won’t leave me here?”
“I promise.”
After a long pause, she whispers, “My name is Tina. What’s your name?”
“I’m... I’m Ana.”
She gives me a sad, watery grin before her head flops onto the dirty carpet.
Not sure why I lied to her.
Although Anastasia is my middle name, I’ve never used it before. Never even considered it.
As I contemplate why, I suppose it’s because I don’t want this place to have my name too. I already know it’s going to take everything else from me.
I’m keeping my name.
The other girl speaks for the first time, her voice scratchy. “I’m Sabrina.”
“Are you scared?” Tina asks.
Sabrina’s answer surprises me.
“Not really. I’ve been raped before.” There’s an eerie calmness woven in her tone once the scratchiness subsides. “The trick is to pretend you’resomewhere else. Anywhere else. Don’t fight them. It only makes it worse.”
If she knows a trick to enduring a rape, it makes me wonder what the fuck happened to Sabrina.
But I’m not asking.
“I’ve never had sex.” Tina shifts her gaze to me. “Have you had sex, Ana?”
“Yes. With my boyfriend.”
Tears rush in so rapidly it’s almost painful.
“Did he rape you too?” Sabrina’s cynicism shows in her icy tone. “I fucking hate men.”
Ardently denying her assertion, I shake my head. “No. No. He’s amazing. I love him. He... he...”