Page 81 of Unexpected Hero
With a deep chuckle, he smirks at me. Not an expression I expect from him, but I like that he’s unexpected. Argh. I want to kiss him again.
In lieu of begging for another kiss like a pathetic sap, I opt for more nonsense-spewing. “Anyhow, when I explained about my mishap and my bloody nose, the guy from the front desk told me about the blood thinner thing. He quite possibly saved my life because I’ve never bled that much as it was. Imagine if I added ibuprofen to the mix.”
“He sounds like a hero,” he says, the corners of his lips quirking upward as he slowly rises to stand.
I wanna lick those lips so flipping bad.
Nope. Can’t do that.
Let’s go with more rambling.
“It gets weirder, though. I went to the front desk two days later to thank him. And they said nobody by that name works there. Crazy, right?”
His face creases, lips crinkling.
“I know what you’re thinking... that’s creepy. My friend Stella said the same thing. But I must have gotten his name wrong. I was bleeding like a stuck pig, lightheaded, and in a ton of pain. So it’s just more classic me. You know? And then—”
My sentence fizzles mid-thought when he lowers his face to mine. Like a first-class idiot, I tilt my chin up to offer my lips. Sadly, he’s aiming for my forehead.
Boo! As nice as forehead kisses can be, I want his damn lips.
When I realize he’s not going to do the hot guy thing of silencing me with his tongue, I jerk my chin down abruptly to spare myself the rejection. But he’s already too close for a move like that.
Thunk goes his chin into my forehead, sending jolts of pain through my skull.
“Shit! Ouch,” he yelps and stutters back a step.
My hands shoot out to comfort him, but he’s already out of my reach. “Oh sorry. I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
On reflex, I bolt upright, but my toes are not on board with this plan. Now I’ve got pain from head to toe — literally.
Typical weeknight for me.
Hissing in pain and cursing under my breath, I plop onto the bed.
As he rubs his chin, he shakes his head at me. “Stay seated, Lettie.”
My throbbing forehead and toes are mild compared to the brutal assault on my pride.
“Are you okay?”
“I’ve taken harder hits to the face before.”
“You sure? Mama always said I had rocks in here.” I tap at the side of my forehead.
He grins at me, fighting back a bigger reaction. “I’ll be right back with your crutches.”
While he’s gone, I cushion my face with my palms and consider flex-taping my mouth shut. Having him here in my room is messing with me. It’s making me a bucket of nerves. As embarrassed as I am to show off my humble space, I don’t want him to leave.
For the first time since getting to Florida, it dawns on me that I’m lonely.
Maybe that’s why I’m clinging to James so much.
Or is it something specifically about him that I crave? I can’t remember wanting someone’s company like I do his.
Oh well. I guess it doesn’t matter. Once I get a job — at the club or elsewhere — I’ll make more friends. I’ll be fine. I can do this.
I don’t need anyone else to make me whole. I’m enough on my own.