Page 84 of Unexpected Hero
What do you mean “about to”? You totally lost it. Calling me. On the phone. Eww. Don’t do that. Unless it’s a full-on emergency. Text first. Text last. Text always. This is the way.
Dominant James
I was thinking that you either thought I took your clothes off without your consent — which I would never do — or that someone else stripped you after I left. Both were emergencies.
Sugar Bear
Well, good thing I was just joking. Sorry for flipping you out. I figured you’d know it was a joke.
Dominant James
Some things you just don’t joke about.
Sugar Bear
Dominant James
It’s my fault for not getting the humor. Why do you hate phone calls?
Sugar Bear
I’m not sure, honestly. I think it’s an ADHD thing. Even the idea of a phone call makes me anxious, which is weird because I’m not an overly anxious person.
Dominant James
Interesting. You answered the last time I called.
Sugar Bear
That was different.
Dominant James
Sugar Bear
Next question. New subject, perhaps?
Dominant James
Same subject. Same question. Why did you answer last time but not today?
Sugar Bear
I don’t think you want the answer.
Dominant James
Try me.
Sugar Bear
I answered the first time because I wanted to talk to you. Because I like you.
Dominant James