Page 86 of Unexpected Hero
See you around 7 p.m. Stay off your foot.
The next day...
Sugar Bear
Good morning. This is your daily dose of gratitude. Thanks again for taking me grocery shopping last night.
Dominant James
You know how you said you’re keeping a list of money you claim to owe me in your phone?
Sugar Bear
Dominant James
Well, I’m keeping a list of all your extra thank yous in mine.
Sugar Bear
Two questions about that. One: what did you title this note? Two: what’s my tally?
Dominant James
I didn’t name the list. Open to suggestions. And your total is approaching a googolplex.
Sugar Bear
That’s not a real number.
Dominant James
Look it up.
Sugar Bear
Hold please.
Sugar Bear
OMG! You cannot be serious. I do NOT have a hundred zeros after my number. I’m side-eying you so hard right now.
Dominant James
You got me.
Sugar Bear
Not the way I want to have you, though.
Sugar Bear
Delete the last text. Forget I said that. Impulsivity strikes again.
Dominant James
Didn’t we talk again last night about keeping things platonic? I’m sorry, but I need to get back to work.