Page 11 of The Substitute
My doorbell rings, making me frown.
“Who’s here at six in the morning?” I mutter as I pad through the condo, wearing only my robe. I look through the peephole to see who’s on the other side and immediately open the door. “Stella? Is everything okay? Is something wrong with Gray?”
“We’re fine,” she assures me as she walks inside and closes the door. She’s clean-faced, her hair in a ponytail, and wearing yoga pants and a tank top. “I knew I had to come down here and coach you through putting your outfit together today, or you’d go back to your old clothes.”
I narrow my eyes at her. “How did you know that?”
She laughs and links her arm through mine, leading me to the bedroom. “Because I know you, sister-in-law of mine. And I know that fashion scares you. But it doesn’t have to, I promise. You bought some great dresses and suits. We’ll get you all figured out.”
“Are you going to come down here every day for this?”
“No.” She laughs and shakes her head. “But I might come on Sundays to get you situated for the week. Now, I think you should wear the green shift dress that’s gathered at the waist. It flatters your curves and is totally professional.”
I actually really like that dress, so I nod and take it off the bar. With Stella’s back turned to me, I shed the robe and glance in the mirror, still shocked at my matching pink bra and panties. They’re lacy and comfortable, which I didn’t know was possible.
After pulling the dress over my head, I say, “Okay, what’s next?”
Stella turns, black flats in hand, and grins. “You’re fucking hot in that, friend.”
I turn back to the mirror and take a deep breath. “It does fit me well. And it hides my belly, which is good.”
“You know,” Stella says, “I’ve always thought it was a disservice to womenkind to imply that we shouldn’t have a belly. I mean, most women have curves, and all women have rolls when we bend over. It just is what it is.”
“Still, it’s the one thing I’m the most self-conscious about, so I like that it’s hidden.”
“Plus, you have excellent boobs that pull the attention away from anything happening on your tummy.” She reaches out, something sparkling in her hand. “Okay, these earrings and this long necklace.”
I obediently don the jewelry, and Stella nods in approval.
“Now, hair and makeup.”
“Oh, the blowout is holding nicely,” I tell her as I follow her to the bathroom. “I don’t think I want to fuss with it too much.”
“I agree. I was going to recommend you just take the hair straightener we got and tuck the ends under. It’ll freshen it up.”
“Good idea.” I plug it in as Stella fiddles with my makeup brushes. “And not too much makeup.”
“You have beautiful skin, so you don’t need a full face,” she says. “Just some simple eye shadow, liner, and mascara.”
Relieved that she agrees because I’m actually able to do all those things, I get to work. When I’m finished, Stella smiles with approval.
“You’re gorgeous, babe. You absolutely belong in a law office.”
I look in the mirror and grin. “I belong anywhere. Thanks for the help.”
“I can come over tonight to help you plan the rest of the week if you want. Just until you get the hang of it.”
“I appreciate that. It’s handy having you just upstairs.”
“Right? So handy. Hey, before I forget, I was thinking. Of course, it’s totally fine if you’re not into your hot, British boss, but if you’re ready to get back on the horse, so to speak, I have a few ideas for people to set you up with.”
I immediately start to decline but then reconsider.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to date.”
“Exactly. I’ll get right on that. Have a good day, babe.”
After Stella leaves to get ready for her day, I eat a small breakfast, smooth on some Chanel lipstick that I bought yesterday, and head out to work.