Page 139 of Gemini Wicked
Moon wine.
That’s the magic potion a Fae girl chugs when she wants to hang a flashing sign on her uterus that reads vacancy: inquire within.
When she wants to get knocked up.
A ripple of awareness spreads through my sex-drunk body. I’m still coming down from the massive endorphin rush of fucking Max and half my guys. My own fuck-me pheromones, mingled with Vasili’s potent hit of caramel and Max’s acrid brimstone mating scent, flood the night air like hallucinogens.
So the cogs in my brain are turning at, like, half their normal speed.
Still, I’m cognizant enough to realize one thing about that moon wine.
I already knew.
I knew, at least on a subconscious level, the minute Lucius said that wine was enchanted.
I knew.
I knew and I kept drinking anyway.
Then I let Max fuck me, even after I knew.
So it seems kinda pointless to act all shocked and freaked out now.
“Yeah.” I clear my throat and wade into the pregnant silence. “Guess I just decided to go for it. The witching world needs a Gemini kid. A Gemini butt in the throne after mine to keep Cleo’s ass out of it and keep the good times rolling. Plus a fertile queen has magical and symbolic value for all the witching races. That’s what’s gonna save us from going extinct, remember? And that shit’s more important than me not getting tied down.”
I tilt my head back to get a look at Vasili, whose tall slim silhouette looms over me like a guillotine, inked against the silver expanse of the Avalon sea. With the sickle moon floating behind him, rimming his silver hair like a crown, and all his psychic barriers locked down tight, he’s even harder than usual to read.
“Sorry if I caught you off guard, bad boy,” I tell my terrible snake of an alpha softly. “I kinda made up my mind before you fucked me. But I honestly think I’ve known for a while. The witching world needs this… and I finally feel like we’re ready. What with all the shit going down in this harem, I didn’t have a chance to talk to you.”
He doesn’t even hum in acknowledgment.
Which isn’t exactly the ringing endorsement I’m hoping for.
But he doesn’t strike back either.
Anyway, he certainly knows I’m off the shots, and he still opted to fuck me bare. He coulda used a condom.
I just don’t know if that’s the vast mindless instinct of his rut making the calls. Or if Vasili actual is piloting his own battleship and his fiendishly clever brain is still calling the shots.
I twist to peer over my shoulder at Max, who’s still hovering possessively over me with his impregnating dick locked tight inside me. After literally months of nonstop campaigning to fill my uterus with a clutch of dragonets, my alpha dragon looks ferociously pleased with himself. He’s actually really cute like that.
My heart swells and softens at the sight.
I give my satisfied alpha an affectionate smile, then crane past him to see the door.
Zephyr’s not a big guy, but he manages to dominate the space. The scabbard with his crossed swords dangles from one hand and his green dragonscale armor is unzipped to the waist. This fashion choice exposes the smooth expanse of the Dark Fae King’s olive-skinned chest and the taut ripple of his abs. His green hair is windblown, his sharp-edged face is flushed, and his jade-green gaze is fey and feral.
That’s the way he looks after he’s been fucking.
“That’s a pretty big decision you just made, princess. Better be sure you’re makin’ it for the right reasons,” Ash rumbles from the stairs.
Gently he nudges Zephyr into the bedroom, angles his wide Seelie shoulders to sidle through the narrow Unseelie door himself, and pulls the door closed to give us all privacy.
“You sure?” Ash finishes softly. He pushes a hand through the rumpled spikes of his pewter hair. He’s looking disheveled too, with his doeskin vest gaping open around the impressive width of his chest and his leather Conan breeches half-unlaced over the impressive bulge of his cock.
But his keen silver stare searches my face. “Sure you’re ready for all that?”