Page 80 of Gemini Wicked
“The next few days?” Zephyr jolts straighter (if that’s possible, because V was right about that pole riding the Fae’s ass) and looks appalled. “The Faerie Ball occurs in two days’ time.”
“Faerie Ball, huh?” That’s Racetrack, who’s stealing Dez’s bacon and eating standing up. “What the fuck’s that?”
“The Faerie Ball is a magical event,” Zephyr says with mounting impatience. “According to Dark Fae lore, the fête takes place in the Unseelie city on the night of the summer solstice—a night when powerful witchcraft can be woven. This makes Midsummer Night the most auspicious date for my queen’s coronation ritual.”
That’s Mr. Self-Absorbed right there, adding his two cents from the cheap seats.
“Yeah, finals. How’s that even supposed to work?” Ignoring Zephyr and that pole up his Unseelie ass, I duck into the kitchen to collect my latte, then give Lucius a rueful look. “You and all the profs have been closemouthed as fuck about finals.”
I actually aim this grievance, not for the first time, at both Lucius and Vasili, because my snake’s provisionally on the faculty, despite being simultaneously a graduating senior.
(Staffing shortage, don’t ask, but Vasili’s class is a reign of terror. Half his students already have PTSD from the experience.)
“Every year’s magical challenge is unique, little queen.” V smirks at my simmering impatience. “With the parameters of the examination established by the Dean herself. Surely you’re not suggesting that I spill the tea? I’m still on a faculty improvement plan after our, shall we say, unauthorized vacay in Sin City on your behalf last winter.”
“Oh, honestly.” I roll my eyes at my snake, who’s clearly having way too much fun with this. “I mean, what’s the point of having a sexually inappropriate relationship with the faculty—a relationship that’s currently front-page news across the whole witching world, by the way—when you don’t even tell me this shit?”
“My dear, you mustn’t blame Vasili. Or me, for that matter.” Lucius gives me a wry look. “I certainly appreciate that the academic stakes have risen since Cleopatra Aquarius enrolled at this Academy. This late in the term, she’d typically not even commence her studies until the fall. All too clearly, she’s making this exam an integral element of her succession strategy, to strengthen her claim to your throne.”
“Exactly.” I point at him with my cup. “She wants to prove it’s not just some morality issue with me fucking all of you and liking it and getting caught on film by the paps—which shouldn’t even be an issue for a poly queen, once everyone calms down from seeing my tits and your dick splashed all over The Witching Inquisitor.”
Lucius clears his throat and shoots Dez and RT an embarrassed glance. But I figure those two are probably the only female students at this Academy—along with Mallory, who’s too decent to peek—that didn’t check out our headmaster’s junk in that scandal sheet.
Neo pushes his glasses up his nose and looks worried. “Cleo wants to prove she’s a stronger witch than you, babe. That’s gotta be the reason she’s taking the test. So she can prove you don’t deserve to rule.”
“Fuck me,” Ronin mutters.
Zephyr voices a little snarl like the barely civilized Unseelie he is. Between his snarling lips, one sharp tiny fang peeks out.
I just can’t tell whether it’s the threat to my reign or the thought of fucking Ronin (or maybe both?) that’s triggering him.
“Yup.” I give my guys a tight nod. “Everyone at school knows my grades suck. Since the Dean posts ’em like the fucking sadist she clearly is. Hell, my whole transcript got leaked to The Inquisitor.”
Vasili’s dangerous eyes narrow and his smoky lids lower. His subtle reaction validates all my instincts and tells me I’m not being paranoid.
I’m being smart.
Smart like I need to be if I’m gonna win back my throne.
“Wow.” Neo’s earnest green eyes get big as dinner plates. “Do you think Cleo wants to be… First Girl on the Dean’s List?”
“Oh, dear. Now it’s your crown in danger, First Boy.” Vasili smirks at our bookworm’s worried face.
I give that snake one of my queen looks that tells him to stop terrorizing Neo and behave. “She’ll settle for getting a better grade than me—which, let’s face it, probably won’t be hard—but yeah. Bet she thinks being First Girl at the Icarus Academy would definitely prove she’ll make a better queen.”
“Bollocks.” With a sudden violence that makes everyone twitch, Ronin shoves to his feet and starts roughly clearing the table. I know it’s because he can’t sit still.
He’s been simmering with nerves and guilt and anger since Zephyr showed up. My Brit’s psychic barriers are usually airtight (when he wants that). But I can feel that shit like it’s mine, because he’s broadcasting on all telepathic channels.
Under that kinda barrage, my own issues feel tiny.
But they’re still festering.
So I can’t stay still either, I gotta pace.
I tap my fingers against my latte cup, violet sparks popping at the contact, and roam back over to Xhevith’s big green snout.
“It’s not like I’m even on the Dean’s List,” I remind the room at large without looking at anyone.