Page 32 of Burden to Bear
“You definitely did. I’m kind of hoping Izzy’s dad decides to let her come back sooner rather than later, so I can enjoy having some company again. I really had a great time.”
Those words were precisely what I needed to hear, and I didn’t hesitate to capitalize on the opportunity. “We don’t have to wait, you know?”
“What do you mean?”
Shrugging, I reasoned, “I realize Izzy’s a ton of fun to be around, but we don’t have to wait until she comes back for you and me to get together. I’d love to have you over for dinner sometime.”
Mia’s head tipped to the side, her eyes dancing as the smile spread across her face. “Really? I’d love to get together sometime.”
Something warm hit the center of my chest. Maybe it was the increased pace of my heartbeat. Perhaps it was the way Mia was looking at me. It could have simply been the fact that she had agreed to having dinner with me. Whatever it was, I liked it a lot, and I was looking forward to more of that feeling, something I didn’t doubt I’d experience the more I was around her.
“Yeah, me, too. We might even be able to talk about something other than sharks and turtles,” I teased.
Laughter spilled out of Mia. “That sounds like a plan. I’ll let you get back to your day with Izzy, but we can figure something out soon.”
“I’ll look forward to that,” I assured her, reaching for the doorknob and opening the door.
“See you later, Brock.”
“Enjoy the rest of your day, Mia.”
A moment later, Mia was gone. And I spent the rest of the day giving in to each and every one of Izzy’s requests, because if it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to enjoy peanut butter sandwiches and milk with Mia today.
“You’re back.”
I was back.
And this was going to be so embarrassing.
“I’m back,” I confirmed, offering an awkward smile as I held a covered dish up between Brock and me as we stood at the door to his detached garage. “Do you like cookies?”
Brock smiled at me, a light in his eyes I’d seen on several occasions now. “I love cookies.”
“Then these are for you,” I declared proudly.
He chuckled and said, “Sounds like I’m a lucky guy. Would you mind hanging on to them and following me into the house, though? I just finished up out here, but my hands have been all over the metal and equipment, and I’d like to wash them before even coming close to the food.”
I offered a nod in return. “Sure.”
Brock stepped away from the door, turned off a light over a workbench, came back to where I was, turned out the overhead lights, and stepped outside next to me, closing the door behind him.
“Ready?” he asked.
He jerked his head toward his house, and the two of us made our way there. On the way, Brock filled the silence. “So, am I to assume these cookies were the reason you stopped over to my house earlier this morning for those two eggs?”
“They are,” I confirmed.
God, what had I been thinking?
When I woke up this morning, I had this sudden craving for lemon cookies. I tried to ignore it; I even ate something else for breakfast. But no matter how hard I tried, the craving wouldn’t subside.
So, I pulled out all the ingredients I needed and realized the one thing I was missing was two eggs. I had flour, sugar, and even the lemons, but I had not a single egg in the house.