Page 35 of Burden to Bear
His features softened. “I was curious why you would do that, but I never would have thought you were a lunatic. So, you really can’t stand the thought of eating them?”
Shaking my head, I let out a laugh. “Nope. But my house smelled so incredible when they were baking in the oven. As it turns out, the smell was just what I wanted, not the actual food.”
Brock smiled, his lips twitching. “Lucky for me, I guess.”
“Yep. I’m just glad you like the cookies.”
For a brief moment, we stood there in an awkward silence. I wasn’t quite sure what else to say—I probably should have skedaddled. But something kept me rooted to the spot. Whether it was Brock’s gaze or something else, I didn’t know.
Eventually, he asked, “How are you feeling with the… the pregnancy?”
Was he repulsed by the news, or was he unsure if he could ask the question?
“I’ve been doing okay,” I told him. “I’ve got more energy now that I’m in the second trimester, so that’s been a huge plus.”
“And the baby’s okay, right?”
My fingers pressed in firmly against my belly, an unintentional response to Brock’s question. I blinked rapidly, willing the tears back.
I couldn’t cry.
I didn’t want to cry.
But my hormones and emotions didn’t seem to care. Because despite my best efforts, the tears spilled down my cheeks.
“Oh, God,” I rasped, feeling humiliated.
As I swiped at my cheeks and looked away, I heard movement. The next thing I knew, Brock’s arms wrapped around me. The same arms I’d just been fantasizing about being wrapped up in for a completely different reason.
My head was instantly planted in his chest, his hand cupping the back of my skull and holding me close to him. He hushed me several times, and I fought to gain control of my breathing.
When I settled down, Brock loosened his hold slightly, and I took half a step back. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “Don’t apologize. It’s not necessary. Is… is something wrong with the baby?”
“No. The baby… the baby is fine. Growing just as he or she should be.”
Brock nodded his understanding, one of his hands still holding firm but gentle on my shoulder. “That’s good news, Mia. Why are you crying?”
I didn’t know how to answer that question. Did I come right out with the truth? Should I tell him how this baby’s father wanted me to terminate the pregnancy because he was selfish?
Neither of those explanations came out of my mouth. Instead, I whispered, “You’re a good guy, Brock.”
His hand gave my shoulder a squeeze just before his thumb offered reassuring strokes. “And that’s upsetting you?”
I closed my eyes and sighed, giving myself just a few seconds to relish the feel of his gentle touch on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, I explained, “I took the first ultrasound pictures to my ex about a week after Christmas, and he all but shoved them back in my face, telling me he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby. You just asked me the question that my child’s father never has.”
“I’m really sorry, Mia. If I had known?—”
“No. No, don’t apologize. I appreciate it. It means everything to me that you’re that kind of guy. I just wasn’t prepared for how it would make me feel.”
“Is there anything I can do? If you want to talk, or if you need help with something, I’d be happy to lend a hand.”
I smiled at him, swiped at my cheeks again, and shook my head. “No, I’m okay for now. I—actually, you know what?”
After licking my lips and allowing my eyes to roam over his handsome face, I said, “We talked last weekend about getting together one night for dinner. If you’re interested, I’m free tonight. And I promise I won’t have a complete meltdown.”