Page 54 of Burden to Bear
It seemed, based on the words he’d just said, I’d succeeded in my goal.
“Can I take that to mean I’ve dazzled you?” I asked, recalling our conversation from last night.
One half of his mouth quirked up. “You absolutely accomplished that goal, Mia.”
“I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we’ll have to introduce Izzy to these,” I suggested.
“Oh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Why not? Don’t tell me you’re worried she might like my sandwiches better and want for the two of you to come here for lunch every time she visits,” I teased him.
Brock tipped his chin up slightly and out to the side, clearly considering that being a real possibility. “On second thought, maybe that is a good idea.”
Though I’d promised myself I was going to try to not read too much into anything he said, it was difficult not to. Was he reconsidering his stance, because he wanted to be able to spend more time here with me?
Feeling slightly giddy, I giggled and said, “I’d love to have the both of you over for lunch one day. Next time she comes for a visit, just let me know. I wonder, though, how she’ll take the news of the baby. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to hide it from her again, considering how quickly my belly seems to be growing now.”
“Izzy will be thrilled to know you’re having a baby,” Brock declared. “She already adores you and can’t stop talking about you to anyone who will listen. So, you can rest assured she’ll be excited about the news. She’ll likely want to march right over here after the baby is born, so she can help take care of him or her.”
“She’s so sweet. Does she want a sibling?” I asked.
“Oh, I’m sure she’d love nothing more, but unfortunately, that’s not happening any time soon, considering my brother is a single dad,” Brock answered.
It was a miracle my eyes didn’t fall out of my head. “Are you serious? I had no idea.”
He nodded. “Yep. He’s been doing it on his own since very close to the beginning. Izzy hasn’t really known anything different, so she’s reasonably well adjusted.”
“Wow,” I marveled, feeling a sense of solidarity with a man I had yet to meet. I was curious about what led to Chris becoming a single parent, but I didn’t think I was in the position to be able to ask that question just yet. “Well, I think your brother is doing an excellent job with her. She’s such a great kid, and she’s so well spoken, too.”
“She definitely loves to talk,” Brock noted through his laughter.
We spent the next few minutes finishing up the remainder of our lunches, and after we cleaned up the dishes, I led Brock up the stairs to the baby’s room. He immediately got to work, but I didn’t just walk away and leave him to do it on his own.
While Brock handled the brunt of the work, the project was certainly much easier to tackle with two people involved. Following his instruction, I held things up or in place whenever he needed me to, and the truth was that I was grateful he included me the way he did.
It would have been easy for him to merely take over and do it all on his own, as I was certain he was more than capable. He didn’t do that, and I had to wonder if he knew that since this was my first baby, I wanted to be involved in every part of the journey, even if handling the entire build on my own would have been an utter disaster.
When it was finally finished, Brock said, “Okay, I think that’s it. Did you have a specific spot where you wanted it?”
Lifting my hand, I pointed at the opposite wall and answered, “Over there.”
Like it was nothing, Brock lifted the crib and moved it into place. “Good?”
I stared.
Seeing that crib there, it hit me.
Just like it had been happening for weeks now, things kept popping up that reminded me of what was coming, of how real all of this was, and that was exactly what was happening to me now.
Brock’s voice snapped me out of it. “Yeah?”
“Is everything okay? Do you want me to move the crib somewhere else?” he questioned me.
I lifted my gaze to his. “Everything is going to change.”
“What?” His confusion was plain as day.