Page 32 of Mia Amata
Once I was home, I unloaded the plants, pots, and soil, leaving them in the garage. I took the rest of the items in the house. I washed up the bowl, vase, and candle holders, then put them out as I had planned. The pop of color it added was nice. I needed more decor, but I was pleased with my purchases so far.
I took Lucky outside, walking down to the pier with him. He played around for a while. My cell phone in my pocket went off. I pulled it out seeing a message from Jacob. “I had a nice time tonight, Mia. Thank you for the company.” I debated about responding but decided I didn’t want to be rude, so I decided to be honest. “I had a nice time too.” Lucky and I headed back up to the house where we relaxed watching a movie, then headed to bed. Lucky sleeping on his blanket next to me.
I woke up stretching. I lay on the bed, petting Lucky who was lying on his blanket next to me, remembering supper with Jacob. It had turned into a good night. Lucky gave a little whine, so I got up, throwing a robe on. The coffee was already done, so I poured a cup, and Lucky and I went outside on the deck. He ran down to take care of business, then chased a squirrel around a tree. Pretty soon I hear someone holler “Hello!” Randy and Lady walked over again. I waved at her, and she came on up.
“I hope you don’t mind; I just had the urge to come visit with you before work,” Randy said when she walked up the steps.
“Not at all. Help yourself to some coffee. Creamer in the refrigerator.”
She went into the kitchen and came back out with a cup, looking at me suspiciously. “When did you go to Sal’s? I saw the leftovers in the refrigerator.”
I blushed. “Last night.”
“Oh? With whom?”
“No one. I stopped in after shopping for some plants and decor for the house. Why would you think I went with someone? I don’t know anybody here except for you.”
“I was just curious, it’s Jacob’s favorite restaurant.”
“Oh?” I said, but I blushed bright red.
All of a sudden Randy let out a little squeal. “You had a date with Jacob last night!” I smiled but shook my head.
“Not exactly. I stopped in there by myself, he showed up a few minutes later.”
“So what happened?”
“When Louisa realized we knew each other she sat him at my table, then said since I make Jacob smile, and he is falling for me, my meal was on the house.”
Randy laughed, “I knew it! I knew there was something between you two. I could sense a change in Jacob from the moment he met you. He kept asking us questions about you, trying to be all innocent about it.”
“Slow down. It was just a chance meeting. Not a date.”
“If Louisa said it, it must be true! Jacob is falling for you!” Randy stated.
“He doesn’t even know me. You’re imagining things,” I said.
“He has talked about you often since meeting you. There is a family history of love at first sight!”
“You believe in love at first sight?”
Randy became completely serious. “I do. When you meet Donald and Nora, you will too. I’d better get going and head to work. We still on for tomorrow night?”
“Of course, I’ll see you tomorrow morning for coffee.”
She grinned, “You do make great coffee. Oh, when are you seeing Jacob again?” She stood up and walked to the stairs.
I blushed again; I couldn’t help it. “I’m not. We have no plans.”
Her grin got even bigger, not sure how, but it really did. “You will. I’d bet money on it. I’ll text you later.” She winked and ran down the steps, calling for Lady.
My cell phone went off. It was a text from Jacob again, “Morning Mia Amata. I hope you have a good day.”
I replied back, “Thank you. You too.”
Lucky and I went inside. I threw some things in the crockpot for chicken and rice and mixed up some dough for some homemade rolls. I let that sit to rise, cleaned up, and went down to the office, Lucky at my heels.
I spent my day reviewing things for my new job, I really wanted to be prepared for work on Monday. I also had some things that I wanted to do around the house, so after lunch, I worked around the house doing some light cleaning and repotting the plants I bought. I had some issues with the rail planters I purchased, so I sent Josh a text just to ask his opinion. He didn’t offer me any advice, instead he said he asked Jacob to stop by to help me out.