Page 44 of Mia Amata
He leaned down and kissed me. “Love you,” he turned and walked out before I had a chance to reply. I shut the door, once more stunned. I wasn’t sure what to think. I stood there a couple of minutes, then shook my head, needing to get some things done before they all came back for supper that night.
First, I gathered up my laundry throwing it in the washing machine. I then went back to my bedroom, grabbed my empty backpack, and picked out some items to put in it. I had been thinking that if I needed to run, I should have a go bag that if able I could just grab and leave. I put the rest of the $5000 cash in there, knowing that I had the checking account along with the credit cards, plus starting Monday I would be making money I could live off of.
I put an extra set of car keys in there, some clothes, things that I could wear pregnant or not. I decided that I would keep the diaper bag packed at all times, so I could just grab that for the baby. I thought maybe I should sit down and figure out an escape plan in detail, maybe even two, but for right now having bags ready to go would suffice.
I walked into the nursery and started packing the diaper bag. Once the baby is born, I would pack it with one or two bottles and a can of formula, whatever I would need until I could get some place. Both bags were packed. I took them out to store them together in the linen closet. I will work on a bigger plan soon. I didn’t want to put it off too long, otherwise it may be too late.
I went to the laundry area, taking the clothes from the washer, and putting them in the dryer. I did some light cleaning, then went down to the office to do some more studying on the protocols for work on Monday. I felt like I had a good grasp on them, but I wanted to make sure I was prepared. Lucky was following me around while I was doing chores around the house, and I wondered how I would be able to take him and the baby if we needed to make an escape. I figured the way he followed me everywhere it wouldn’t be a problem; he would get in the car with me without hesitation but keeping him quiet could be an issue.
I decided I would pack some dog food, bottles of water, and extra dishes into a bag. This was turning into a lot that I needed to grab if I had to make a run for it. I would have to figure out another way. Some way I can just grab the baby and the dog and go. This would take some thinking. I vowed to sit down soon and figure out a better plan.
When I left Laurie and Eva, they had given me a phone number. No name, just the number. This was a number for me to contact if I needed help again or if I was able to help someone else. I had it in my wallet, but I wanted to try to memorize it so that it was not found. I wanted to make notes on things, but if I did, I would have to destroy all evidence of them or make sure to take them with me.
Making an escape plan that can be discovered would obviously not be a good thing. I tried to focus on the plans for work, but my mind kept wandering. I gave up and went back upstairs. I got a glass of ice water, taking Lucky outside. I walked down to the pier, and he ran around and explored, but never got too far away from me. I went down, sitting on the bench on the pier. Lucky soon brought me a stick.
“What’s up? Want to play fetch?” He wagged his tail at me and gave a bark. I flung the stick out into the water watching as he jumped in after it. He swam out, got it, then swam back to the shore like he had been doing this for years. “Oh boy,” I told Lucky. “I’m going to have to give you a bath when we go back in the house!” He dropped the stick at my feet, barked, and wagged his tail.
I threw it again, watching as he dove after it. We played fetch for a while until it was apparent that he was tired. I let him lay at my feet, hoping he would dry off a bit before we went back into the house. I would give him a bath, but I would rather he not be sopping wet when we went back in. He was soon dozing in the sunshine while I enjoyed the view.
I glanced at my watch after a bit, finally deciding we had been out long enough. I needed to go in, give Lucky his bath, then start the lasagna. I stood up, and Lucky was immediately up and alert. We walked back up to the house, Lucky running around and chasing dragonflies or butterflies.
Once in the house, I ran bath water for Lucky, and he readily hopped in the tub when I told him to. I gave him his bath, which he actually seemed to enjoy. I managed to get him all rinsed and clean, drying him the best I could.
Once finished with his bath, I went to the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients to make the lasagna.
I got the lasagna all put together, then put it in the oven to cook. I then got the garlic bread all ready, setting it aside to put in the oven soon. I washed up the dishes from making the lasagna and put them away. I then set the table for the four of us when the phone rang. It was Randy.
“Hey, Randy,” I said.
“Hi, there! Hey, I was wondering if there was anything that we can bring for tonight.”
“I didn’t plan anything for dessert, so if you have a chance to grab something that would be great.”
“Josh is running into town here in a few minutes, I will have him pick something up. Any special requests?” she asked.
“I’m good with anything chocolate,” I laughed.
“We have to be sisters,” she laughed. “I love chocolate. We will see you soon.”
I went around the house, doing some straightening and light cleaning, not that the house really needed it.
I sat down, relaxing until it was time to put the garlic bread in the oven.
I couldn’t find much to watch, so I shut the TV off, going to take a quick shower. When I was dressed, I heard a knock at the door. It was Jacob, carrying a sack with some soda in it. He walked into the kitchen and put the soda in the refrigerator. Once he was done, he turned to me, where I had been leaning against the counter across from the sink.
“Hey, Mia.” He smiled at me.
“Hey,” I said. “I need to work on supper. Make yourself at home.”
After assuring him there wasn’t anything he could really help me with, I motioned him to the couch, telling him to find something to watch. Instead, he pulled out a stool at the bar. “I would rather talk to you.”
I was putting the garlic bread in the oven. When I leaned over to do so, the shirt I was wearing slipped off my shoulder.
“Wow, how did you get that bruise on your back? It’s huge. Are you OK?”
I froze, then regained my composure, continuing to close the oven door. “I’m fine,” I said, “I was in a minor car accident. Nothing to worry about.”
He was looking at me, the amount of concern in his eyes really surprised me. “You’re sure you are OK?”